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词汇 choked
例句 Anger choked him and he was agonizingly, unbearably miserable.愤怒使他喘不过气来,他陷入了难以忍受的巨大痛苦之中。He choked up in the finals and lost the game.他在决赛中因过分紧张而输了。The village's roads are choked with traffic.村里的路上挤满了车辆行人。Anger choked him.他气得说不出话来。I get choked up even thinking about it.甚至只要一想起它,我就激动得说不出话来。The gutters were choked up with leaves.阴沟里塞满了树叶。The city's streets are filthy and choked with exhaust fumes.那座城市的街道肮脏不堪,弥漫着令人窒息的废气。The dust choked and blinded him.尘土呛得他呼吸困难,眼睛也好似瞎了一样。When she was presented with the award, she was so choked with emotion that she couldn't say her thank-you speech.给她颁奖时,她激动得感谢辞都说不出来了。Ellen choked on a sob before admitting the truth.埃伦哽咽着承认这是真的。The men pushed him into the entrance of a nearby building where they choked him with his tie.那些人把他推进附近一幢大楼的入口,然后用他的领带勒住他的脖子。Her voice was choked with rage.她气得声音都哽咽了。We choked in the dust of the desert.我们给沙漠的灰沙呛得透不过气来。The flowers were choked by the weeds.杂草抑制了花儿的生长。The mass of ice choked up the mouth of the stream and ponded back the water.冰块壅塞溪口,截断了溪流。We choked, we made a lot of errors.我们举止失措,犯了许多错误。The road is now choked up with vehicles.那条道路已被车辆阻塞。I choked and almost suffocated to death.我呛住了,差点窒息。I still feel choked about him leaving.我还在为他的离去感到难过。The harbour is being choked up with silt.港口正遭泥沙的淤塞。The storeroom was choked with furniture.储藏室塞满了家具。I choked on a mouthful of tea.我喝茶呛了一口。An old woman was found choked to death.一名老妇人被掐死了。He choked on the idea of those years.一想到那些年头,他就激动得说不出话来。He is going to be choked when I take the day off.哪天我休假的话他会气死的。When the pressure was on, the tennis star choked and lost the match.由于压力太大,那位网球明星发挥失常,输掉了比赛。He choked on a piece of bread.他被一块面包噎住了。The streets were choked with traffic.街上堵满了车。He got choked off for being late.他因迟到而受到申斥。The centre of the city was choked with cars.市中心挤满了车辆。He choked to death when a fish bone got stuck in his throat.他因一根鱼刺卡住喉咙窒息而死。The child was almost choked by the heavy smoke.这孩子几乎被浓烟窒息了。The girl choked to death after breathing in smoke.女孩吸入烟雾窒息而死。The girl choked to death after breathing in smoke.那个女孩吸入烟雾,窒息而死。One young conscript rose with a message of thanks, his voice choked with emotion.一个年轻的新兵起立致谢,激动得声音哽咽。He grabbed her by the throat and almost choked the life out of her.他抓住她的脖子,差点没把她掐死。They choked the fire with sand.他们用沙把火扑灭。The words choked in his throat.话哽在他喉头说不出来了。He grabbed her around the neck and choked her to death.他抓住她的脖子,把她掐死了。She coughed and choked when a piece of food went down her windpipe.气管里进了一点食物,呛得她直咳嗽。




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