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词汇 hear from
例句 I haven't heard from Chuck in a long time.我已很久没有听到查克的消息了。He was none too thrilled to hear from me at that hour.在那个钟点接到我的电话,他一点也兴奋不起来。I will not go unless I hear from him.如果他不通知我,我就不去。Are you good at coming up with ideas? If so, we would love to hear from you.你是否擅长创意构思?如果是,我们将很乐意收到你的来信。If he becomes a big TV star, we'll probably never hear from him again.如果他成了电视大明星就可能再也不会亲自跟我们联系了。We haven't heard from his teacher lately, but no news is good news. 我们最近没听到老师反应他的情况,不过没消息就是好消息。I would like to hear from anyone who was in the area at the time of the robbery.我想听听发生抢劫案时在场的人的说法。I am always pleased to hear from former students.收到以前学生的来信,我总是很高兴。I got a rejection from Harvard, but I'm still waiting to hear from UCLA.哈佛没有录取我,但我还在等加州大学洛杉矶分校的通知。We are always pleased to hear from our customers.我们一向很愿意聆听客户的反馈。Michelle sounded excited to hear from him.米歇尔对收到他的信好像很兴奋。We heard from them yesterday.我们昨天收到了他们的来信。Do you have a knack for coming up with ideas? If so, we would love to hear from you.你有什么能想出好点子的诀窍吗?如果有,我们很愿意收到你的来信。You should hear from them soon, maybe even by next week. = Maybe you'll hear from them by next week.你应该很快能收到他们的来信,或许就在下周。Hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes. Arthur.希望能很快收到你的回信。祝好!阿瑟。It was good to hear from you.很高兴收到你的来信。It was lovely to hear from you again.收到你的来信真让人高兴!I haven't heard from him since last September.自去年九月起我就没有听到他的消息了。Everyone came to the wedding, including a distant cousin no one had heard from in years.所有人都参加了婚礼,包括一位多年没有音信的远亲。The fact that we haven't heard from him in all this time does not bode well.我们这段时间一直没有收到他的来信不是好兆头。The police are anxious to hear from anyone who may know her.警方急切地希望任何可能认识她的人打电话来。We shall be only too pleased to hear from you further.我们非常欢迎你再来信。The only jokes I tell are the ones that I hear from you.我仅说的几个笑话都是从你这里听来的。You should hear from them soon, perhaps even by next week. = Perhaps you'll hear from them by next week.你应该很快能收到他们的来信,也许就在下周。Thus far I haven't heard from her.我迄今尚未收到她的来信。I haven't heard from him for weeks, not even one lousy phone call.我好几周都没有他的音讯了,甚至连个破电话也没接到。Months had elapsed before I heard from my friend again.好几个月过去后我才再次收到我朋友的信。When I didn't hear from the suppliers or receive a refund, I chased the matter up.我既没收到供货商的消息,也没拿到退款,于是开始追查此事。Now let's hear from Sue at our travel desk.现在我们来听听旅行部的苏带来的新闻。I hear from him every now and then.我有时收到他的来信。We haven't heard from him since last autumn.从去年秋天起我们就没收到过他的信。I've written to you, year upon year, and never heard from you.我年复一年地给你写信,却从未收到过你的回信。The police would like to hear from anyone who witnessed the accident.警方希望任何目击这场事故的人给他们打电话。We're particularly interested to hear from people who speak two or more European languages.我们特别希望能收到说两种或两种以上欧洲语言的人的来信。If you're hoping to hear from him soon, forget it, it's not going to happen.如果你期望很快收到他的信,还是打消这个念头吧,这是不可能的。If you don't hear from the builders this week, make sure you chase them up.要是你这个星期还没有从施工人员那里得到消息,一定要催催他们。A fortnight passed and we still hadn't heard from them.两个星期过去了,我们仍然没有他们的音信。Enemy gunfire could be heard from several kilometres away.敌军的炮火几公里以外都听得到。Several weeks went past before we heard from her.几个星期后我们才得到她的音信。He remarked to Jane that he had not heard from Sally for a long time.他对简说已经好久没收到萨莉的信了。




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