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词汇 heaped
例句 They heaped food on our plates. 他们在我们的盘子里放了很多食物。He was embarrassed by all the praise being heaped upon him.面对如潮的赞扬,他感到不好意思。Both candidates have heaped scorn on the budget agreement.两个候选人都对预算协议不屑一顾。She gave him a glass of whisky and heaped his plate with food.她给他一杯威士忌,并给他的盘子盛满食物。Add three heaped teaspoons of sugar.加入满满的三茶匙糖。The critics heaped extravagant praise on the production and the cast.评论家极力赞赏该片的制作和演员阵容。Her political rivals have poured/heaped scorn on her ideas for improving the tax system.她的政治对手对她改进税收体制的想法嗤之以鼻。The critics heaped praises on her performance. = The critics sang the praises of her performance. = The critics sang her praises. 评论家对她的表演大加赞赏。He heaped lavish praise upon the organisers.他对组织者大加赞赏。Graham's attempt to defend me had only heaped more suspicion on my head.格雷厄姆试图要保护我,结果却使更多的怀疑落在我头上。A rain of abuse has been heaped upon him.他遭到一顿咒骂。Bundles of clothing were heaped on the floor.一包包衣物被堆在地板上。The large desk was heaped with papers.大书桌上堆满了文件。Add a heaped tablespoon of sugar.加满满一大汤匙的白糖。Abuse and scorn were heaped on the proposals.这些建议遭到了痛斥和鄙视。International opprobrium has been heaped on the country following its attack on its neighbours.该国袭击邻国之后,国际上对其大张挞伐。They heaped our plates with food.他们在我们的盘子里放了很多食物。Garbage heaped up behind the house.屋后垃圾积成了堆。The head of the navy heaped scorn on both the methods and motives of the conspirators.海军首长对密谋分子的手法和动机都表示出极大的轻蔑。Mrs. Madrigal heaped more carrots onto Michael's plate.马德里加尔夫人将更多的胡萝卜堆到了迈克尔的盘子里。Books were heaped up in the corner of the room.书被堆在屋子的角落里。Honours and academic degrees were heaped upon him.他被授予种种荣誉和学位。He heaped abuse on Waite and made venomous personal attacks.他肆意辱骂韦特,并对他进行恶毒的人身攻击。He heaped all the blame on his secretary.他把所有责任都推在秘书身上。The large desk was heaped with papers.大办公桌上堆满了文件。The barn was heaped with grain.谷仓里堆满了粮食。He heaped the plate with a generous serving of meat and potato pie.他在盘子上堆满了肉和马铃薯馅饼。Our hostess heaped our plates with turkey and stuffing.女主人给我们的盘子盛满火鸡肉和填馅。In the road the people seemed heaped together.路上,人们好像挤作了一堆。Abuse and scorn were heaped upon the new tax.新开征的税种招致铺天盖地的咒骂和鄙视。Her clothes lay heaped together in a corner of the room.她的衣服堆在房间的角落里。They heaped more food on my plate than I could eat.他们在我的盘子上堆了很多食物,我吃都吃不完。Cheap clothes and shoes were heaped on tables.桌子上堆放着廉价衣服和鞋。The critics heaped scorn on our efforts. 评论家对我们的努力嗤之以鼻。The table was heaped with food.桌上堆满了食物。Add a heaped teaspoonful of sugar.加上满满一茶匙糖。They heaped the dead leaves in the corner of the garden.他们把枯叶堆放在园子的角落。He deals well with all the criticism heaped on him.对于针对他的一大堆批评,他应对得很好。She brought out a basket heaped with fruit. 她拿出一个装满水果的篮子。Books and magazines were heaped in a corner.书和杂志被堆在一个角落里。




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