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词汇 heard
例句 He heard voices raised in song.他听见歌声中有人提高了嗓门。He paused and canted his head as if he heard some sound close behind him.他停下来突然侧过头去,就好像听到背后有声音似的。He turned white when he heard the news.听到那个消息,他的脸色变得苍白。We heard a band strike up in the park.我们听到公园里一支乐队奏起了音乐。From somewhere distant he heard the clatter of a typewriter.他听见从远处什么地方传来打字机的嗒嗒声。Until a few months ago few people outside the arcane world of contemporary music had heard of Gorecki.直至几个月前,在现代音乐神秘殿堂之外很少有人听说了戈莱斯基。Something fell in, for I heard a splash.有东西掉进去了,因我听见扑通一声。I thought I was hearing things yesterday. I thought I heard a cuckoo.我想昨天我出现幻听了。我以为听到了布谷鸟叫。We heard the news in a roundabout way.我们是间接听到这消息的。The fact that we haven't heard from him in all this time does not bode well.我们这段时间一直没有收到他的来信不是好兆头。On the bus I heard this interesting snippet of conversation.在公共汽车上我听到了这么一段有趣的谈话。One day Sam heard an interesting piece of gossip.一天萨姆听到一段有趣的流言。His ears pricked up when he heard his name mentioned.听到自己的名字时,他的耳朵竖了起来。I heard snippets of conversation.我听到了谈话的只言片语。There was a hardness in her voice I hadn't heard before.她的说话声里有一种我过去从未听到过的强硬语气。I heard a loud crash in the kitchen.我听见厨房里哗啦一声巨响。Low-toned mutterings could be heard in the next room.可听到隔壁房间里传来的低低的咕哝声。I heard a story that he had moved to Australia.我听说他已移居澳大利亚。Have you heard the latest cricket score?你知道板球赛的最新比分吗?I heard footsteps outside.我听见了外面的脚步声。She nearly fell off her chair when she heard the news.她听到这个消息时极为惊讶。They heard furious knocking coming from downstairs.他们听到楼下传来的剧烈的叩击声。He heard the hoot of an owl coming from the direction of the wood.他听见从树林方向传来猫头鹰的哀鸣声。When Tom heard about the accident he immediately feared the worst.汤姆一听说出事,就担心会发生最坏的情况。I've never heard such a load of tripe in all my life.我一辈子还从没听到过这样一堆废话。They heard footsteps on the stairs.他们听到楼梯上有脚步声。That's the sorriest excuse I've heard.那是我听过的最糟糕的借口。It's a big theatre so you really have to project your voice if you're going to be heard at the back.这是一个大剧院,所以如果你想让后排的人听见就必须放开你的喉咙。We have heard no information respecting the path of the storm.我们尚未得到有关这次风暴走向的信息。We heard the news over the loudspeaker.我们听见扩音器里广播了这一消息。I'll sue him. He hasn't heard the last of me yet.我要起诉他,此事还没完呢。The court has heard accounts of that night's events from several witnesses - now please tell us in your own words what you saw.法庭已经听取了几位证人对那天晚上所发生事件的陈述——现在请你用自己的话说说你看到的情况。The muffled roar of traffic could be heard in the distance.远处隐隐传来过往车辆的轰轰声。Ann had heard enough of this.安听这个已经听够了。She could barely make herself heard above the clamour of the rain.雨声大作,她的声音几乎无法让人听到。Mum cleverly pretended that she hadn't heard what he'd said.妈妈很聪明地装作没有听到他讲的话。Her lips quivered when she heard the bad news.听到这个坏消息后她双唇颤抖。We heard the dog's howls.我们听见了狗的吠声。That is the most asinine joke I've ever heard.这是我听过的最愚蠢的玩笑。Sounds of voices and commotion could be heard downstairs now.现在能听见楼下传来的各种说话声和骚乱声。




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