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I could hear the clump of his footsteps as he came down the stairs.他下楼时,我能听到他沉重的脚步声。Outside the house, she could hear the gentle wash of the waves on the beach.在公寓房间外面,她可以听到海浪冲刷沙滩发出的轻柔声响。Whenever I hear that song, I think of you.每当我听到这首歌的时候,我就想起你。Her utterances were wreathed in hidden significance interpreted according to what the listener wished to hear.她的话语充满了隐含意义,可按照听者希望听到的来解读。Now let's hear from Sue at our travel desk.现在我们来听听旅行部的苏带来的新闻。I hate to hear the sound of chalk grating against the blackboard.我讨厌听到粉笔在黑板上摩擦发出的刺耳声。Tomorrow, the court will hear evidence relating to Simpson's financial assets.明天法庭将听取有关辛普森的资产的证据材料。She could hear someone fumbling with the handle of her door.她听见有人在摸索着拧她房门的把手。It was a shock to hear him rule that my testimony would be disallowed.听到他定决我的证词不予采纳时,我很震惊。I was totally zoned out and didn't hear what she said.我当时感到头昏脑涨,她说的话我都没听到。Did you hear them announce the result?你听到他们宣布结果了吗?Can you hear the words on the album?你听得清这张专辑中的歌词吗?I hear poor old Steve broke his ankle.我听说可怜的老史蒂夫脚踝骨折了。If I hear of a job opening, I'll let you know.如果我得知有职位空缺,我会告诉你。A vast multitude waited to hear the news.许多人等着听消息。Did you ever hear such bad language in all your born days?你一生可曾听到过这种脏话吗?When people hear tragic news their first reaction is usually one of disbelief.人们听到噩耗时,最初的反应常常是不敢相信。I couldn't hear what he was saying, but I was able to read his lips.我听不见他在说什么,但我从他的口形可以猜出他的意思。Her fans pack into theaters to hear her sing.她的粉丝涌入剧场听她演唱。I don't want to hear another goddamn lie.我不想再听另一个该死的谎话。You'll have to speak up, I can't hear you.你得说大声点,我听不见你。We could hear screams coming from inside the blazing building.大楼在熊熊燃烧,我们能听到里面有人在尖叫。At the conference you could hear an amazing mixture of languages.在研讨会上你会惊讶地听到各种各样的语言。She couldn't see or hear anything at all.她什么也看不见,什么也听不见。Although it was a secret wedding, the press did eventually come to hear about it.尽管是场秘密的婚礼,媒体最终还是听到了消息。I was very sorry to hear about your Dad.听到你父亲的事我感到非常难过。They were still arguing; I could hear them down the road.他们还在争吵;我在马路的那头都能听见他们的声音。He just won't hear of such an idea.他就是不同意这种想法。I could hear a dog growling behind me.我能听见一条狗在我身后狂吠。I don't want to hear any more of your sass.我不想再听到你讲粗话。I hear they use detectives to snoop on employees.我听说他们雇用侦探探听雇员的私生活。I could hear a beeping noise.我听得见刺耳的哔哔声。I was very sad to hear that he had died.听说他去世我非常难过。This apartment building has thin walls, and you can hear everything your neighbors say.这个公寓楼的墙很薄,邻居说什么你都能听见。You'd better not let Dad hear you say that.你这话最好不要让爸爸听见。I love it when I hear you laugh.听见你笑,我就非常高兴。You could hear a thin thread of music from Shawn's complicated radio.你可以听到肖恩的那台精致的收音机中传出来微弱的音乐声。It was very quiet in there: you could barely hear a sound.那里面很安静,几乎听不到任何声响。I could hear the children's happy laughter in the other room.我能听到另一房间里孩子们快乐的笑声。It's so good to hear your voice after all this time.这么久没有联系,听到你的声音真是太好了。 |