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例句 Gerry's wife Jo takes up the story.格里的妻子乔接着往下讲。Just hook the bucket onto the rope and lower it down.只要把桶拴在绳子上往下送就可以了。Rain trickled down the glass, puddling on the window sills.雨水顺着玻璃窗往下淌,在窗台上积起了小水坑。You can go on ahead. I'll stay behind to help clean up.你可以继续往下干,我在后面清理。She was inventing as she went along.她一面往下说,一面信口胡编。The dress flares out from the hips.这条连衣裙自臀部往下逐渐展开。The men were watching us from above the trees.那些人从树上往下注视着我们。Now, can we move on and discuss the vital business of the day.现在,我们接着往下讨论今天的重要事宜。Can I just pick up that gentleman's point?.我能接着那位先生的意思往下说吗?The designer decided to flare the skirt from the hips.设计师决定把裙子从胯部往下呈喇叭形展开。On the left the ground drops away, giving a view over the rooftops.左边的地面往下倾斜,让人能看到屋顶。Make sure the rope is firmly attached before attempting to climb down.在顺着绳子往下爬之前,确保绳子已系牢。A precipitous path led down the cliff.悬崖往下引入一条陡峭的山路。Kate could see the grief etched on his face as he continued.在他往下说的时候,凯特可以看到他脸上深切的悲痛。The story follows on from the death of the heroine.故事从女主人公的死继续往下展开。There is a pleasant little cafe bar a hundred yards down the road.沿这条路往下一百码处有家很舒适的小咖啡馆。The speaker was muddling along, and nobody could follow what he was trying to say.演讲者在杂乱无章地往下讲,谁也弄不清他在讲些什么。He plastered his hair down/back with gel.他用发胶把头发往下/往后梳贴伏。The speaker paused for a moment, and then continued.演讲者停顿片刻,然后继续往下讲。Ellis evidently wished to negotiate downwards after Atkinson had set the guidelines.埃利斯显然希望在阿特金森制定了指导方针后继续往下协商。The trail led over Boulder Pass before descending to a lake.那条小路穿过博尔德山口,然后往下通向一个湖。She struggled to control the cart as it rolled before her down the steep, bumpy road.当她前面的手推车沿着陡峭崎岖的山路往下移动时,她奋力去控制它。When I tried to interrupt, he ignored me and went on speaking.我想插话,他装作没听见,继续往下说。Tears coursed down his cheeks.泪水顺着他的面颊往下淌。The doctor had to stick a tube down my throat in order to examine my stomach.医生必须把一根管子从我的咽喉往下插作胃部检查。He was gazing downward into the pit.往下朝洞内张望。I glanced down at the beach as we passed an opening in the trees.我们经过一块林中空地时,我往下扫了一眼海滩。He works backwards, building a house from the top downwards.他倒着干,从顶部往下建房子。Glancing down the list of runners, I noticed a familiar name.往下扫了一眼赛跑选手的名单,注意到了一个熟悉的名字。Tears were sliding down his cheeks.眼泪顺着他的脸颊往下淌。The truck gained momentum as it rolled down the steep road.卡车沿著陡峭的道路往下开时,冲力愈来愈大。Getting into the aft cabin involves a slight step down from saloon level.去后舱需要从餐厅的位置略微往下迈一小步。The joke got a big laugh, which encouraged me to continue.我的笑话引来哄堂大笑,这使我深受鼓舞,继续往下讲。They went ahead without waiting for a reply from the Germans.他们没等德国人答复就接着往下推进。She gave the bell-rope a swift downward tug.她把铃索迅速往下一拉。There was sweat pouring over her Teutonic face.汗水顺着她那张典型的德国人的脸往下淌。The road takes a dip round the corner.那条路在转角处往下倾斜。Benedict pointed downwards again with his stick.贝内迪克特用他的拐棍又往下指了指。He went on speaking without adverting to the interruption.他不顾打扰继续往下说。The hawk stopped in mid-flight before diving down on its prey.老鹰在半空中停下来,然后往下向猎物扑去。




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