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词汇 chip
例句 An electronic chip could be implanted in his brain.他的大脑中可以植入一个电子芯片。He used an axe to chip the ice.他用了斧头将冰敲碎。The world's largest chip maker gave a gloomy forecast for the first quarter.世界最大的芯片制造商给第一季度作出了悲观的预测。That was Nicholas's cue to ask for another chocolate chip cookie.那表示尼古拉斯还想要一块巧克力曲奇。The group had hoped to chip away at its debts by selling assets.该集团本指望通过变卖固定资产逐步还清债务。Who asked you to chip in with your opinion?谁叫你插嘴提出你的看法的?If you don't load the dishwasher right, it might chip some of the cups.假如餐具在洗碗碟机中没放妥,就可能会碰破杯子。Instead of an outright coup attempt, the rebels want to chip away at her authority.反叛分子没有发动彻底的政变,而是想一点一点地削弱她的权力。Tomorrow's children will be even more in the thrall of the silicon chip.将来硅片对孩子们的影响将进一步加深。You chip away at the problem until somebody comes up with the right answer.你们要不断地琢磨这个问题直到有人得出正确答案为止。A roomful of wiring and circuits can now be reduced to a tiny computer chip.满屋子的线路和电路现在可以简化为一块小小的计算机芯片。Buying shares in blue-chip companies is always a sound investment.购买蓝筹股票总是稳健的投资。He had this chip on his shoulder about my mum and dad thinking that they're better than him.他在我父母面前一脸晦气,觉得他们看不起他。Developments in computer chip design are at the cutting edge of the technological revolution.电脑芯片设计的开发走在了科技革命的前沿。Missiles were used as a bargaining chip in negotiations for economic aid.谈判中导弹被用作了换取经济援助的筹码。The washbasin had a small chip.脸盆边上有个小豁口。High interest rates can chip away at your profits.高利率会慢慢吃掉你的利润。I'd just like to chip in, Bill, if I might.比尔,如果可以的话我想插一句。The cup has a chip in/on it.杯子上有个豁口。The brothers chip in a certain amount of money each month to hire a home health aide.兄弟几个每个月凑一笔钱,请了一个家庭护理。The shellac nail polish is painted instead of glued onto your nails. It has the advantage of not being easy to chip off.虫胶指甲油是涂在而不是贴在你原先的指甲上,它较不容易脱落。There have been endless efforts to chip away at social prejudice.人们一直在为逐渐消除社会偏见而不懈努力。The brothers chip in a certain amount of money each month to hire a home health aide.兄弟几人每月凑一些钱雇家庭护理。They chip in for the petrol and food.他们凑钱买汽油和食物。He was not expected to be released because he was considered a valuable chip in this game.他不可能获得释放,因为他在这场游戏中被视为非常有价值的筹码。Steel baths are lighter but chip easily.钢制浴缸是轻一点,不过容易碰损。This mug has a chip in it.这个缸上有个缺口。Jimmy was a chip off the old block with his grey eyes and his dad's smile.吉米灰色的眼睛和微笑酷似他父亲。Fish-and-chip shops are a shadow of their former numbers.出售炸鱼加薯条的小吃店如今已所剩无几了。He is a man with a chip on his shoulder.他是个好寻衅吵架的人。This notebook uses a chip designed for mobile computing.这台笔记本电脑用的是专为移动计算设计的芯片。A chip is a piece of silicon about the size of a postage stamp.芯片就是一枚邮票大小的硅片。Use a hammer to chip away the edge.用锤子把边角敲掉。Lewis is a chip off the old block, a hothead and a bully just like his dad.刘易斯酷似他的父亲,性格暴躁,横行霸道。The notebook uses a new type of chip.这款笔记本电脑使用了一种新的芯片。The computer chip allows parents to block programs containing violence, sex, or bad language.这种电脑芯片使家长能够拦截含有暴力、性或脏话内容的程序。Advances in technology have made it possible to pack even more circuits on a chip.技术的进步使一片芯片可以集成更多的电路。The information could be used as a bargaining chip to extract some parallel information from Britain.这个情报可以当作筹码,从英国人那里换取等价的消息。Steel baths are lighter but chip easily.钢制浴缸更轻,但容易破损。He was a man with a chip on his shoulder.他是个好寻衅吵架的人。




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