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例句 He soon fell asleep and began to snore.他很快睡著并开始打起鼾来。With no buyer in sight for the company as a whole, the vultures started to circle.因为眼下没有买家要买整个公司,一些劫掠成性的人开始打它的主意。Australia, put in to bat, made a cautious start.轮到澳大利亚队出场击球,他们开始打得很谨慎。The team got off to a slow start, but now it's firing on all cylinders. 这支队一开始打得并不顺,但现在渐入佳境。Richard turned over onto his back and began to snore.理查德翻过身来仰面躺着,开始打起鼾来。Kevin pounced on Liam and started hitting him.凯文猛然扑向利亚姆并开始打他。He took up golf in his old age.在晚年时他开始打高尔夫球。She started hitting him in a drunken rage.她酩酊大醉,怒气冲天地开始打他。The boys cornered him on a subway platform and began beating him.那群男孩子将他逼进地铁站台,开始打他。Everyone started fighting and someone threw a bottle. I forget what happened next.大家都开始打起来,有人扔了一个瓶子。接下来的事我就记不起来了。As soon as school ends she'll start her summer job.学期一结束,她就开始打暑期工。He lied to me constantly and started knocking me around.他经常对我撒谎而且开始打我。




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