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词汇 Aunt
例句 Hello, Aunt Betty.你好,贝蒂阿姨。Aunt Arabella is very stubborn. Kim takes after her in that respect.阿拉贝拉姨妈非常倔强。这方面,金很像她。Seeing Paula in that white dress called up memories of his Aunt Sara.看见葆拉穿着那条白裙子使他想起自己的萨拉姨妈。Aunt Bertha's getting old now, and she needs someone to take care of her.伯莎姨妈现在年纪越来越大,需要有人照顾。He made a snide remark about Aunt Martha's figure.关于玛莎阿姨的身材,他说的话真刻毒。Aunt Mary wore shapeless black dresses.玛丽姨妈总是穿一些没款没形的黑色裙子。Aunt Emilie darned old socks.埃米莉姨妈织补旧袜子。Clara has blotted her copybook by forgetting to send Aunt Jemima a birthday card.克拉拉因为忘记送杰迈玛姨妈生日贺卡而丢了颜面。Aunt Lou shot a warning glance at father just as he was about to speak.爸爸刚要说话,卢姨妈就向他投以警告性的目光。As Aunt Matilde's pain grew worse, she became too bad-tempered to see anyone.玛蒂尔德姑妈疼痛不断地加剧,脾气也变得非常坏,谁都不肯见。Aunt Mary is such a scatterbrain that she always forgets something.玛莉阿姨糊里糊涂的,她总是忘东忘西。Look out for your Aunt while you're at the station.你到了车站要留神寻找你姨妈。Aunt Ben was very old and crotchety to the point of eccentricity.本阿姨上了年纪,整天胡思乱想,都有些古怪了。Aunt Jean always felt a little sorry that she had never had children.琼阿姨一直没有子女,她总是感到有点遗憾。Her Aunt Sally gave her an extravagant gift.萨莉姨妈送给她一件很昂贵的礼物。The university had become an Aunt Sally at which all sides could take pot shots.那所大学变成了萨利大婶,各方都可对它任意攻击。I hate to trouble you, but Aunt Lina's birthday is coming up and I would like to buy something nice for her.我真不愿打扰您,但莉娜阿姨的生日就要到了,我想给她买点好东西。Mom and Aunt Jo were sitting drinking coffee and visiting.妈妈和乔姑姑坐着边喝咖啡边闲聊。Do you want some tea, Aunt Alice?爱丽丝姨母,您要喝点儿茶吗?Aunt Margaret told her to dress herself in her nicest dress.玛格丽特姑姑告诉她要穿上最好看的衣服。Aunt Lilly's gifts were typically generous, and reflected her impeccable taste.莉莉姑妈的礼物向来是出手慷慨,并且反映了她那无可挑剔的品味。Aunt Jessica let out an inaudible sigh.杰茜卡姑妈无声地叹了一口气。Aunt Sue is a very warm person.苏阿姨是个极为热诚的人。Aunt Maud advanced on me brandishing her umbrella.莫德姨妈挥舞着雨伞向我扑来。It was a present from Aunt Vera.这是维拉姑妈送的礼物。Aunt Clara had been so sharp, so witty, but now she is just a sad, confused old woman.克拉拉姨妈以前那么精明、那么机智,可现在她却只是个闷闷不乐、糊里糊涂的老太太。Aunt Sophy hobbled slowly across the room on her crutches.索菲姑妈撑着一副拐杖在房间里蹒跚而行。Aunt Molly is a nag about regular meals.莫莉姨妈是一日三餐都挑三拣四的人。Aunt Fay was angry and said so in as many words.费伊姑妈很气愤,并且明确地说出来了。My Aunt Susan is not a bad old stick.我的苏珊姨妈是个挺不错的古板老太太。I was stuck talking to Aunt Martha until Mom rescued me.我被玛莎姑妈拉住说个没完,直到妈妈来给我解了围。Aunt Gloria can't stand the sight of cats.格洛丽亚阿姨见不得猫。Aunt Beryl's presents were well-received, and had obviously been chosen with a lot of care.贝丽尔姑妈带来的礼物人人都喜欢,显然是精挑细选过的。That's a no from Aunt Eileen.艾琳姑姑拒绝了。Aunt Augusta deposited the contents of her bag on the kitchen table.奥古丝塔姨妈把包里的东西放在厨房桌子上。Aunt Maimie's voice droned on.梅米姨妈喋喋不休地说着。Aunt Edie served up a lovely roast leg of lamb for dinner.伊迪舅妈晚餐时端出了一盘香喷喷的烤羊羔腿。He discovered that his guardian, Aunt Mimi, had not legally adopted him.他发现自己的监护人美美姨妈并没有依法领养他。Aunt Nessy was always a bit eccentric.内茜姑妈总是有点古怪。Read me Aunt Evelyn's letter while I cook dinner.我在烧饭时,把伊夫琳姑妈的来信读给我听。




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