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She seems to be waging a personal crusade to stop this building work.她似乎在进行一场个人圣战来阻止这项建筑工程。When everything is in place, the building work begins, even if it means running two massive projects at the same time.一切就绪之后建筑工程就会启动,尽管这意味着两项巨大的工程将同时进行。The estimate for the building work had to be revised.该项建筑工程的估价得进行调整。Protests have stopped construction in its tracks.抗议活动使建筑工程被迫中止。The firm will accept commissions for most types of architectural work.该公司将承接大部分建筑工程项目的委托。The building project is in full swing.这项建筑工程正在全力进行中。We expect the building work to be completed ahead of schedule.我们希望建筑工程能提前竣工。We can ponder over the ways and means before the construction work starts.我们可以在建筑工程开工之前详细考虑各种筹款集资措施。Could you give me some idea of when the construction work will finish?你能否告诉我建筑工程何时完工?Stone prayed that the factory hadn't skimped on the construction.斯通祈望工厂尚未削减建筑工程开支。Due to the bad weather, the building work was already behind schedule.由于天气恶劣,建筑工程已经误期了。He has been working as a laborer on a construction project.他一直在一个建筑工程中当工人。We have insufficient funds to pay for the building work.我们没有足够的资金支付建筑工程。The building work had not been completed to a satisfactory standard.这项建筑工程没有达到令人满意的水平。The building work is taking quite a long time, and therefore costing us money.这项建筑工程耗时很长,因此我们花费也大。Can you give me any sort of time scale for the completion of the building work?你能不能告诉我这个建筑工程的完工进度?Building projects were due to be unfrozenearly this year.对建筑工程的控制定于今年初放开。Everyone is annoyed by the constant noise of the construction project.建筑工程的吵声不断,大家都感到不耐烦。We don't know how long the building work will last, but we'll be staying with friends for the duration.我们不知道这项建筑工程要持续多久,但我们在施工期间将住在朋友家。The building project marks a new phase in the town's development.这一建筑工程标志着镇子的发展进入一个新时期。So far the building work has progressed according to plan.到目前为止,建筑工程一直按计划进行。The building work was completed on time, contrary to expectation.出乎意料的是,建筑工程按时完成。 |