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词汇 应聘
例句 We are expecting a lot of applicants for the job.我们预计会有很多人来应聘这份工作。By the time I saw the job advertised it was already too late to apply.我看到招聘广告的时候,已经太晚了,错过了应聘时机。Applications for this position are invited from all individuals with relevant experience.欢迎有相关经验者前来应聘这一职位。She's been called for an interview for the manager's job.她已接到应聘经理职位的面试通知。Employees are invited to apply for the new position.欢迎员工来应聘这个新岗位。He applied for the job of Eliot's personal secretary, which had just fallen vacant.应聘艾略特的私人秘书,这一职位刚刚才空缺出来。Applications are invited for the post of secretary to the sales manager.销售部经理征聘秘书,欢迎应聘She affirmed her intention to apply for the post.她承认自己有意应聘这一职位。A trawl through the jobs pages of his local paper produced only one job that he wanted to apply for.他翻了一下本地报纸上的求职版,只有一份他想去应聘的工作。Applications are invited for the post of Lecturer in French.征聘法语讲师,欢迎应聘The job requires honesty, intelligence, and vision.这份工作要求应聘人员为人诚实、头脑灵活并且有远见。We had any amount of people applying for the job.有很多人到我们这儿来应聘这份工作。I was just pipped at the post for the job.应聘时,与这个职位失之交臂。She listed her former teacher as a reference when she applied for the job.应聘这个职位时将她从前的老师列为证明人。In my early twenties, I applied for my first job as a teacher.我二十出头的时候,应聘第一份工作,就是当老师。When the job finally came open, I was the first to apply.这个职位终于要人了,我第一个就去应聘了。Applicants for the job must have their own transport.应聘该工作须自备交通工具。She was offered employment in the sales office.应聘在销售部工作。She grabbed the chance of a job interview.她抓住了一个应聘面试的机会。Many people apply for these positions, but only a few make the grade.应聘这些职位的人很多,但只有少数人能成功。




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