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词汇 广播节目
例句 It was hard to hear the radio program because of all the interference.因为所有这些干扰信号,很难听到广播节目Who is it that presides over this new radio programme?是谁主持这套新的广播节目? He's been on the radio a lot recently.他最近老是在广播节目中讲话。If this happens it will change the face of religious broadcasting.如果发生这事,将会改变宗教广播节目的面貌。He was vilified for making those broadcasts.他因制作那些广播节目遭到了诽谤。The broadcast came from America by satellite.广播节目从美国通过人造卫星转播过来。We apologize for the interruption to our transmissions this afternoon.我们为今天下午广播节目的中断表示歉意。This week's broadcast features a report on victims of domestic violence.本周广播节目里有一则关于家庭暴力受害者的特别报道。The broadcast was coming in loud and clear. 广播节目听得一清二楚。In its report on the speech, the radio carried a brief summary, but did not broadcast the whole thing.这个广播节目在报道这次演讲的时候只有一个简短的摘要,没有播出全部内容。The radio show was full of unintelligent banter.这个广播节目尽是一些无聊的调侃。In those days the broadcasts all went out live.那时候广播节目都是现场直播的。The orchestra was tuning up for its regular Sunday afternoon broadcast.管弦乐队正在为每周日下午的广播节目调音。The radio program features yesterday's songs as well as today's.这档广播节目既播放时下的新歌,也播放过去的老歌。TV is using radio as a seedbed for ideas.电视正从广播节目中汲取灵感。In a nationwide TV broadcast, the prime minister explained why he was resigning.在一次全国性的电视广播节目中,首相对自己为何辞职作了解释。The radio program takes requests. 电台的广播节目接受听众的点播要求。This is a radio programme presented by courtesy of a soap company.这是一档由一家肥皂公司提供的广播节目There are too many radio shows featuring idiots who call in and talk trash all day.在很多广播节目里,老有一些白痴整天打进电话说些废话。He managed to get onto a local radio show.他想办法上了地方台的一个广播节目He's got his own radio show now.他现在自己做一档广播节目I was listening to my favorite radio program when a reporter broke in with news about a storm.我正在收听最喜爱的广播节目,突然间插播了暴风雨来袭的天气预报。Radio adaptation of books requires skill.将书本改编为无线电广播节目需要技巧。The government has banned all broadcasts by opposition groups.政府禁止了所有反对派的广播节目The radio program offers news and comment.这个广播节目包括新闻和评论。There's something very interesting in the broadcast program.这档广播节目中有些内容很有趣。She prepared herself for a round of appearances on television and radio shows.她为自己在电视和广播节目中一系列的露面做好了准备。There may appear to be discontinuities between broadcasts.广播节目中可能会出现断音。These broadcasts will be heard in most parts of the country.这些广播节目国内大部分地区都能听到。The buck stops with him. He is ultimately responsible for every aspect of the broadcast.责任在于他。他是该广播节目各方面的总负责人。This radio lets me pick up stations from other countries.有了这台收音机,我可以收听到其他国家的广播节目Duff soon mastered the skills of radio production.达夫很快掌握了广播节目制作的技能。The last year has been difficult for local radio.去年对于当地广播节目来说非常艰难。They were beaming radio broadcasts to China.他们曾一直向中国播放广播节目The television/radio program was interrupted for a news bulletin.一则新闻公报打断了电视/广播节目We chose to headline your report on the programme.我们选定你的报道为广播节目的头条新闻。Good radio presenters excel at concise word pictures.优秀的广播节目主持人都擅长简洁生动的口头描述。She put in a plug for the band's new album on her radio program.她在她的广播节目中推荐了这个乐队的新专辑。The broadcast took the form of an interview.这个广播节目采用了访谈的形式。




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