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词汇 幼稚
例句 Men are such children sometimes.男人有时很幼稚You know how childish he can be.你知道他是多么的幼稚He hit back angrily, saying such remarks were childishly simplistic.他愤怒地反击,说这些话太过幼稚Don't be so childish.不要这么幼稚The movie is pure kids' stuff from beginning to end.这部电影从头至尾幼稚至极。The whole thing is somehow a bit Mickey Mouse.不知怎的,整件事情有点幼稚Their view was that he had been politically naive.他们认为他在政治上一直很幼稚I like Jenny, don't get me wrong, but I do think she acts a little childishly at times.我喜欢珍妮,你别误会,但我确实觉得她有时候有点幼稚She made jejune remarks about life and art.她对生活和艺术的评论过于幼稚Jim can be so naive sometimes.吉姆有时候就是这么幼稚We both agreed we'd behaved childishly, and buried the hatchet by going to lunch together.我们俩都承认自己的行为很幼稚,于是重归旧好,一起去吃午餐。You can't blame them for their mistakes; they are just babes in the wood in business matters.你不能责怪他们犯错,在生意场上他们还很幼稚This kind of humour is infantile and boring.这种幽默既幼稚又无聊。He was a young lad, very green, very immature.他还是个毛头小子,幼稚得很,一点都不成熟。He was naive and easily influenced by his friends.他很幼稚,容易受朋友影响。Often jealous children show some babyish behaviour.嫉妒的孩子往往做出一些幼稚举动。In our innocence we believed everything we were told.我们太幼稚,把听到的一切都信以为真。It's simply childish to refuse to talk to her.拒绝和她说话,这简直是幼稚I'm not quite so innocent as to believe that.我还不至于幼稚到相信那种事的地步。You wouldn't think that college students could be so juvenile.你不会想到大学生还这么幼稚Stop being so silly and immature, Chris!克里斯,不要这么愚蠢幼稚I'm ashamed of the babyish nonsense I write.我对自己写出这么幼稚的东西感到羞愧。He was touchingly naive about sex.他在性方面幼稚得可怜。He demonstrated a worrying naivety about political issues.他在政治问题上表现得很幼稚,真令人担心。He said he wouldn't go out with us if Jerry was going too - he's so childish!他说如果杰里也去的话,他就不和我们一起去了—他太幼稚了!Peter was laughed at for his naive remarks.彼得因为讲了一些幼稚的话而被嘲笑。She arrived in London with all the naive innocence of a small-town girl.她带着小镇少女的幼稚和天真来到伦敦。Call me naive, but I believe him.说我幼稚吧,但我还是相信他的话。I just couldn't stomach his childishness.我就是受不了他的幼稚For a grown man he acted in a very juvenile manner.作为一个成年人,他的行为举止显得十分幼稚I was so naïve - I believed everything the army told me about my husband's death.我真幼稚—军方告诉我我丈夫是如何死亡的,我居然全都相信了。Her paintings have been called everything from childish to brilliant.对于她的画作,从幼稚孩子气到才华横溢,说什么的都有。She cursed herself for being so raw to believe anything.她骂自己太幼稚,不管什么事都轻信。She was naive and idealistic.幼稚且耽于空想。His behavior was infantile.他的举止很幼稚They were naive and easily misled.他们很幼稚,容易受骗。The plan seems a little naive.这个计划似乎有些幼稚The older children found the toys too babyish.大一点的孩子觉得这些玩具太幼稚了。The book is enjoyably silly.这本书虽然幼稚,却令人愉快。I don't know why you like him – he's so immature.我不知道你为什么喜欢他,他这么幼稚




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