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词汇 平淡
例句 The question was posed in a flat tone.这个问题是用平淡的语调提出的。Their romantic relationship petered out after the summer.他们的爱情在夏天后就趋于平淡了。His voice was low and flat, with almost no inflection.他的嗓音低沉平淡,语调几乎没有什么变化。They ran a pretty/quite/rather tame campaign.他们搞了一场相当平淡的活动。Their marriage jogged along for several years without any major problems.他们的婚姻平淡地维持了若干年,没什么大问题。It was rare for her to have an opportunity to discuss her dull, uneventful life.她极少有机会谈论自己枯燥平淡的生活。Life without Anna had no savour, was tedious, insupportable.没有安娜的生活平淡无趣、单调沉闷,让人难以忍受。He lived a pedestrian life, working at the paper mill and living in his trailer.他过着平淡的生活,在造纸厂上班,住在拖车里。Her voice was flat, with no question or hope in it.她的声音平淡,听不出疑虑也感觉不到希望。Family holidays are meant to be a break from routine.家庭假日就是从平淡的日常生活中解脱一下。The day began unremarkably.日子平淡地开始了。Today was a nothing day. 今天是平淡的一天。Some people were shocked by the movie, but I found the story pretty tame.有些人为这部电影感到震惊,但我却觉得故事很平淡It's an attitude that turns the mundane into something rather more interesting and exciting.这种态度会将平淡的事情变得更加有趣而令人激动。Their day-to-day existence was routine.他们的日常生活很平淡The language in her speech was deliberately bland.她的演说中故意用了平淡的措辞。I got a tepid response to my suggestion.我的建议得到的反应很平淡The exams came, almost an anticlimax after the build-up that the students had given them.在学生们一番忙碌准备之后,随之而来的考试却出乎意料地平淡In summer, the normally calm, tranquil streets fill with crowds of tourists.夏天,平时平淡而宁静的街道上挤满了游客。Annie led a quiet uneventful life.安妮过着平淡安静的生活。He spoke in a flat, tired voice.他讲话的声音平淡而疲惫。It was a fairly flat scene of somewhere in Venice, a bit romanticked up.那是威尼斯某处相当平淡的景色,被渲染得带上了一点浪漫色彩。The speech was full of bland generalities.讲话内容泛泛,平淡无趣。They lead a pretty mundane life.他们过着相当平淡的生活。The novel itself remains oddly inert.小说本身异常平淡,了无生气。The lyrics are banal and the rhymes clumsy.歌词平淡老套,押韵生硬蹩脚。The victory celebrations seemed rather flat.庆祝胜利的活动似乎相当平淡Ben's voice was curiously flat when he told us the news.本在告诉我们这条消息的时候声音出奇地平淡The story had a rather weedy plot.这个故事的情节很平淡Their reaction to the news was somewhat muted.他们对这个消息的反应有点儿平淡He led a colorless existence.他过著平淡的生活。She had been swept up in a relationship that had never had time to grow ordinary or stale.这段恋情尚未来得及趋于平淡,她已沉醉其中,再无心思顾及其他。Their vacation provided a welcome change from their workaday life.假期给他们平淡的生活带来了欣喜的变化。She rambled on about her uninteresting affairs.她没完没了地聊着她那些平淡无趣的私事。We all need the occasional escape route from the boring, routine aspects of our lives.我们都时不时需要逃避生活中的无聊和平淡Their work is hard and unglamorous, and most people would find it boring.他们的工作又累又平淡,多数人会认为很乏味。




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