例句 |
The value of the pound will force British companies to be leaner and fitter.英镑的币值将迫使英国公司厉行精兵简政。Charitable donations declined in real dollars last year.按美元实际币值计算,去年慈善捐赠额下降了。Their currency is undervalued, making their goods inexpensive for foreigners.他们的货币币值偏低,使他们的货物对外国人来说价格低廉。The currency slumped to a record low.币值跌到了历史低点。The system allows currencies to fluctuate within certain limits.这一机制容许币值在一定的限度内波动。The value of the dollar may fall.美元的币值可能下降。Analysts say that the value of the Euro could hit rock bottom in the next few months.分析师说接下来的几个月,欧元的币值可能降至最低点。 |