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词汇 现实生活
例句 What happens in the film bears little resemblance to what actually happened.电影里发生的事和现实生活几乎没有相似之处。The success of the book was heightened by media speculation about who the characters were in real life.媒体对于这本书中的人物在现实生活中到底是谁有各种猜测,使这本书更成功了。Remarkable coincidences do happen in real life.现实生活中确实会发生不寻常的巧合。Real life isn't at all like life in the movies. = Real life isn't at all like the movies.现实生活和电影里的完全不同。I was Olympic champion but I had to go out into the real world and work for a living.我是奥运冠军,但是我不得不走进现实生活工作谋生。I'm not making it up. The character exists in real life.我没有凭空捏造,这种人现实生活中确实存在。She was a shy and retiring person off-stage.她在现实生活中是个腼腆而且不善社交的人。There were rumors of an offscreen romance between her and the leading man.有一些关于她和男主角在现实生活中谈情说爱的流言蜚语。In real life she looks nothing like her screen image.现实生活中的她与她的屏幕形象截然不同。Such things don't happen in real life.这种事情不会发生在现实生活中。Nowadays most Hollywood films use virtual reality technology to create scenarios that are impossible in real life.现在大多数的好莱坞大片都使用虚拟实境的技术来制作现实生活中不可能达成的场景。The actor was involved in a real-life drama when he was held up at gunpoint last night.这名演员遭遇了现实生活中的一个戏剧性事件 - 他昨晚在枪口威胁下被抢劫。In the real world, things are never quite so simple.现实生活中事情从来都不是那么简单的。In real life there's no magic wand to make all our problems disappear.现实生活中没有魔杖可以让我们的困难全部消失。Everyone was excited about seeing a real live celebrity. 每个人见到现实生活中的名人时都很激动。Her on-screen husband is also her partner in real life.她银幕上的丈夫也是她现实生活中的伴侣。I believe people should live in houses that allow them to retreat from the harsh realities of life.我认为人们所居住的房子应该能让他们远离残酷的现实生活The TV play was based on real life.那出电视剧是根据现实生活写成的。Real life is not like it is in the movies.现实生活和电影里的不一样。His stories are populated with real-life characters.他的小说里有许多现实生活中的人物。Will real life ever imitate art the way Hollywood wishes it would?现实生活真的会像好莱坞影片希望的那样富有戏剧性吗?We can laugh at things in movies that would scare us in real life. 现实生活中使我们恐惧的东西,在电影里我们可以对它一笑置之。The film has eerie parallels with the drama being played out in real life.这部电影和现实生活中发生的一系列戏剧性事件有着诡异的巧合之处。These things happen to be part and parcel of my everyday reality.这些东西正是我每天现实生活的基本组成部分。In real life men like Richard Gere don't marry street girls.现实生活中,像李察·基尔那样的男人是不会娶一个风尘女子的。The report failed to prove a causal link between violence on screen and in real life.这份报告没能证明银幕暴力与现实生活中的暴力行为之间的因果关系。Miracles don't happen in real life.现实生活中不会发生奇迹。In his poems everyday reality is invested with a sense of wonder and delight.在他的诗歌里,现实生活被赋予了一种奇妙和快乐的感觉。In real-life, the band have memorable songs and a stage vigour that enthrals.现实生活中,这支乐队的一些歌曲令人难忘,他们的舞台魅力令人着迷。Fiction is like real life, only better.小说跟现实生活很相像,只是比现实生活更美好。He's better-looking in his publicity shots than he is in real life.宣传照片上的他比在现实生活中的好看。Real life isn't at all like the movies are.现实生活和电影里的完全不同。On TV he plays a teenager, but in real life he's married with two children.在电视上他扮演一名十几岁的少年,可现实生活中的他却是一位有两个孩子的已婚男子。Surfing and blogging on the Internet can become a substitute for real life.泡网和上网写博客有可能成为现实生活的一种替代。Despite their bitter screen rivalry, off-stage they are close friends.虽然他们在银幕上是誓不两立的对手,在现实生活中却是至交。Fiction should be grounded in reality.小说应该以现实生活为基础。In real life, relationships are not perfect.现实生活中,恋爱不是完美的。Many movies have similarities to real-life situations.许多电影情节与现实生活情况有相似之处。Though best known for the funny and outspoken roles that she plays on screen, offstage she is shy and rather serious.虽然在银幕上她以扮演滑稽可笑、口无遮拦的角色而闻名,但在现实生活中,她既腼腆又相当严肃。The story is/shows/presents a slice of life in a small Midwestern town.这部小说再现了一个中西部小镇的现实生活




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