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In the real world no one actually dies of a broken heart, but it happens in operas all the time.在现实世界里不会真有人心碎而死,歌剧中这种事却时有发生。He was pampered all his life and doesn't know how to function in the real world.他一辈子被宠坏了,现在在现实世界中手足无措。The director creates a believable, gritty reality.导演营造出一个残酷而可信的现实世界。In the real world things don't always happen like they do in books.在现实世界中,事情的发生并不总是像书中描写的那样。He seems out of touch with the real world.他似乎与现实世界完全脱节了。Their son finally went out into the real world and got a job.他们的儿子终于走进了现实世界,找到了一份工作。Halfway through the movie reality evaporates and we enter a world of pure fantasy.电影看到一半,我们就离开现实世界,完全进入了幻境中。Romances of that kind don't happen in the real world.那种浪漫的事情不会在现实世界中发生。His sudden success is something you never really expect to happen in the real world.他的突然成功在现实世界里你想也别想。Her parents always tried to shield her from the realities of the world.她父母总是努力保护她免受现实世界的伤害。He's always daydreaming and seems to be out of touch with the real world.他总是在做白日梦,似乎不了解现实世界的情况。The fashion world does not mind what the real world thinks.时尚界并不在意现实世界的想法。We are not insulated from the real world the way we were.我们可不像从前那样与现实世界相隔绝了。He seems to have lost his sense of reality.他似乎已经丧失了对现实世界的感知力。The model must radically simplify a complex and changing world.这个模型必须极大地简化纷繁多变的现实世界。It wasn't long before he was back on solid earth again.没有多久他又回到了现实世界。Enough of fantasy, the workaday world awaited him.天马行空地幻想了一番之后,等待他的是平淡无奇的现实世界。 |