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词汇 工作进展
例句 The work was coming along quite well.工作进展得相当顺利。The work has been going swimmingly.工作进展得一直很顺利。I am making steady progress on refinishing the basement.我整修地下室的工作进展平稳。I'm pretty crabby when my work isn't going too well.工作进展不顺利时,我很容易发脾气。How's the work going this morning?今天上午工作进展如何?How are you getting along with your work? 你的工作进展得怎样?Things were going well for her till she fell foul of the director.与主管产生分歧之前,她的工作进展得很顺利。How are you getting along in your job?你的工作进展如何?The work on the new school sports centre is coming on very well.学校的新体育中心的建造工作进展非常顺利。The country's economic plight is strangling its scientific institutions.该国的经济困境阻碍了其科研机构的工作进展I got along much better in my new job.我的新工作进展得顺利多了。His work is going along tiptop.他的工作进展得非常顺利。The work is coming along quite well.工作进展得相当顺利。The work is progressing slowly.工作进展得十分缓慢。Could you update me on how the work is progressing?你能告诉我最新的工作进展吗?How are you getting along with your work?你的工作进展得怎样?Bulletin boards charted each executive's progress.公告板用图表显示了每位主管的工作进展The work is going too slowly. We need to ramp it up a bit.工作进展得太缓慢,我们必须加快些。




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