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词汇 岩石
例句 We made our way down the rocky path.我们走下那条岩石小路。A little way below the ridge was an outcrop of rock that made a rough shelter.山脊下方不远处有一块露出地面的岩石,大致形成了一个掩蔽处。Stunning tropical fish swim in and out of the colorful rock formations.漂亮的热带鱼在色彩绚丽的岩石中间游进游出。Caves are formed by water eroding rock.流水侵蚀岩石,形成了洞穴。The two rocks at the top of the steep hill are at first sight inaccessible.山顶的那两块岩石初看之下是难以爬上去的。Rocks and boulders rolled down the slopes of the crater.岩石和大石块顺着火山口外的斜坡滚落下来。Human bones were found in the uppermost level of rock.岩石的最上层发现了人类骨骼。He returned to the area to collect rock samples and have them assayed.他返回该地区搜集岩石样品并对它们进行化验。There was a band of yellow in the rock.岩石里有一条黄带。The rock is rich in mineral salts.岩石中富含矿盐。Rocks can be classified according to their mode of origin.可以根据岩石的成因对其进行分类。Feet had worn a path in the rock.人们的足迹在岩石间磨出了一条小路。The action of water on rock should be taken into account.应考虑到水对岩石的作用。The waves hit the rocks with huge energy.波浪以巨大的能量冲击岩石Tall jagged rocks jutted out over the beach.高耸嶙峋的岩石突兀于海滩之上。Solid rock is broken down by weathering.坚硬的岩石因风化而分解。The water filters downwards through the rock for hundreds of feet.水透过数百英尺的岩石向下渗透。Many ships have been torn apart on the jagged rocks that ring the shoreline.围绕海岸线上的岩石犬牙交错,许多船只都被撞坏了。An explosion of gunpowder shatters a rock.火药把岩石炸碎。Rainwater percolates down through the rock.雨水顺着岩石的裂缝渗漏下去。It was difficult to make out where the rocks ended and the sea began.很难辨认出哪里是岩石和海的界线。The road is blocked by a rock fall.公路被崩落的岩石堵住了。The rugged rocks and green leaves add animation to the painting.嶙峋的岩石和绿色的树叶给这幅画增添了生气。The gas is seeping out of the rocks.气体正从岩石中渗出。A row of tiny feeding fish were hugging the rock surface where I stood.一排摄食的小鱼紧贴着我站着的那块岩石的表面。They set the castle on the top of a rocky hill.他们把城堡建在一座遍布岩石的山顶。He had weighted the bag with rocks.他用岩石来增加包的重量。He disappeared behind a small rimrock ledge.他从一小块突出的岩石架后面消失了。The trees soon gave way to bare rock.不久,树也没有了,只剩下一片光秃秃的岩石The region is girded by craggy cliffs and rocks.这个地带四周都是峭壁和岩石The rocks tore a long gash in the ship's hull.岩石把船身划出了一道长长的口子。A sharp overhang of rock gave them cover.一块凸出来的尖利岩石成了他们的避身之所。The sharp surface of the rock caught at her skin, making her flinch.岩石尖尖的表面剐到了她的皮肤,令她后缩了一下。The water curved round the rocks in great bursts of foam.水流撞击岩石,产生大量泡沫。The hull of the boat stove in when it hit the rocks.船撞上岩石,船体被撞扁了。The solid rock was warm to the touch.这块密实的岩石摸起来暖暖的。The tide was coming in as he rounded the rocks.他绕过岩石的时候正在涨潮。Their long claws allow them to fasten onto the rocks and hold firm.它们可以凭借长长的爪子牢牢抓住岩石His foot was jammed between two rocks.他的脚给卡在两块岩石中间。I rubbed my knees raw scrambling over the rocks.我攀越岩石时擦破了膝盖。




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