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词汇 to press
例句 He tried to press his opinion upon us.他试图把他自己的意见强加给我们。The newspaper goes to press at midnight.报纸在半夜开印。 The following information was correct at time of going to press.下列信息在付印时准确无误。The mayor's office is expected to press home its opposition to the budget proposals.人们希望市长办公室能就其反对预算提案这件事给出清楚的解释。Now I'm going to press down on several places around your knee, and you tell me when it feels tender.现在我要按压你膝部周围的几处地方,哪里痛就告诉我。I couldn't face spending a night there, so I decided to press on.想到要在那儿过夜我就受不了,于是我决定要抓紧。The two companies will do battle in the High Court over the right to press compact discs.两家公司将为争夺压制光盘权在高等法院打官司。I saw him trying to press a wad of cash into the woman's hand. She wouldn't take it.我看见他想把一沓钱塞进那女人的手里,她不肯拿。The police tried hard to press the crowd back.警察拼命把人群往后赶。The party will continue to press the case for a new electoral system.该党将继续坚持要求建立新的选举制度。I tried to press money on him for my half of the bill, but he refused to take it.我试图把账单上该我付的那一半钱强塞给他,但他不要。The car's broken down so I've had to press my old bike back into service.汽车坏了,我只好凑合骑自己的旧自行车了。His officials have visited Washington to press their case for economic aid.他的官员们已经访问了华盛顿,竭力要求得到经济援助。The story is going to press. 小说即将付印。According to press reports, the country is now under martial law.根据媒体报道,该国现在处于戒严状态。They're trying to press home their message. 他们正努力把他们的观点讲得头头是道。We check prices at the time of going to press.在付印时,我们会核查价格。She hurried her hands to press the papers which were hiked up by a wind.她急忙用手压住被风吹起的文件。All information was correct at the time we went to press.我们准备印刷时所有信息都正确无误。Plantarflexion is the movement used to press the accelerator pedal in a car.跖屈是开车时脚踩油门时的动作。I don't want to press you, but I must get my money back soon.我不想逼你,但我要你快些把钱还给我。The labourers formed a union to press for higher wages.劳动者强烈要求涨薪并为此成立了工会。As this column went to press, I learnt that the man had died.当这个专栏开印的时候,我才知道那个人已经死了。In this instance, the victim decided not to press charges.在此案中,受害者决定不要求起诉。The newspaper will go to press at midnight.报纸将在午夜付印。We must continue to press for full equality.我们必须继续努力争取完全平等。He's in trouble this time. The police have said they're going to press charges.这次他麻烦了,警方说他们要正式起诉他。Our success was the cue for other companies to press ahead with new investment.我们的成功给了其他公司一个信号,就是一定要有新的投资。You have to press on the handle to turn it,it's very stiff.你必须用力压这个把手,再转动它,它不太灵活了。The President reached into the crowd to press the flesh.总统走入人群和大家握手。He was looking for a chance to press his economic programmes.他正在找机会推行他的经济方案。I don't want to press the issue, but it is important and needs to be addressed immediately.我不想一再强调这个问题,但这很重要,需要立即解决。It takes courage to press a charge against those who are powerful.对那些有权有势的人提出起诉是需要勇气的。The committee also agreed to press for changes in the current financing system.委员会还同意竭力争取变革当前的财政制度。The government was looking for a chance to press its economic programme.政府正在寻找机会推行其经济方案。The book was dummied and ready to go to press.该书已制样本准备付印。He tried to press his opinion on us.他试图把他自己的意见强加给我们。The commanders were anxious to press home their advantage with a further offensive in the north.指挥官们一心想在北部进一步发动进攻以扩大战果。A player like Young, who does all the dirty work, allows the rest of the midfield to press higher up the pitch. 扬这样的球员着重防守,让中场的其他队员可以压前。The group works hard to press the consumer viewpoint.这个团体努力坚持消费者的观点。




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