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词汇 to present
例句 Our manager is due to present the report at the end of the month.我们的经理将于月底作汇报。The British like to present themselves as a nation of dog-lovers.英国人喜欢把自己描述为爱狗的民族。The group intended to present this petition to the parliament.该组织打算把这份请愿书呈交议会。Both are trying to present the disagreement as a storm in a teacup.双方都想拿这个小分歧做大文章。She was ordered to present herself at court the next day.她被要求第二天出庭。According to present law, the authorities can only punish smugglers with small fines.根据现行法律,当局只能对走私者处以小额罚款。Gucci will be holding fashion shows to present their autumn collection.古奇将举办时装发布会推出他们的秋装系列。This book fails to present her story in a coherent manner.这本书未能连贯地讲述她的故事。The two lawyers differed about how to present the case.如何陈述案情,两名律师意见不同。Mrs Cartwright said she would be only too delighted to present the prizes.卡特赖特夫人表示能颁发这些奖项真是太高兴了。He likes to present himself as a radical politician.他喜欢把自己标榜为激进的政治家。The British like to present themselves as a nation of dog-lovers.英国人喜欢把自己说成是一个爱狗的民族。The newspaper sought to present a range of opinions without compromising its impartiality.这家报纸力图在无损其公正原则的前提下呈现各种各样的观点。Allow me to present my wife's cousin, Mr Zachary Colenso.请允许我介绍我妻子的表哥,扎卡里·科伦索先生。He agreed to present himself at the meeting.他答应出席会议。The leadership want to present a single slate of candidates to be approved in an open vote.领导层打算只提交一份供公开投票表决通过的候选人名单。The candidate tried to present a more upbeat image of himself.候选人努力呈现出更积极向上的个人形象。Ten advocacy groups from all parts of the country formed a loose alliance/association/coalition to present their shared interests to Congress.来自全国各地的十个倡导团体结成了一个松散的联盟,向国会提出他们共同的权益。No matter how the government tries to present what happened, it was a tragic mistake.无论政府怎样努力解释所发生的事情,这都是一个悲剧性的错误。We want to present viewers with something they haven't seen before.我们想给观众奉上他们以前没有看过的东西。Both of them had the ability to present complex matters lucidly.两人都具有深入浅出地表述复杂事物的能力。We like to present an extreme position to get people to react to it.我们喜欢表现得很极端来激起人们的反应。Hotel brochures are designed to present the most attractive aspects of the hotel.宾馆的小册子旨在介绍宾馆最吸引人之处。He still wants to present himself as a man of the people, above partisan politics.他还是想表现为一个超越党派政治、全心为人民的人。The artist was determined to present an accurate picture.那位画家决定展现一幅精确的画面。You'll be required to present a passport when you cross the border.过境时要求出示护照。What a book can do, and what this one will try to accomplish, is to present examples of how life can be made more enjoyable.一本书能做到的,也是本书努力实现的,就是列举一些例子说明如何让生活变得更加愉快。Take pains to present a smart, efficient appearance, and to show that you are keen to progress in the company.尽力表现出大方能干的样子,并显出渴望在该公司得到发展。We've decided to present a united front against these proposals.我们决定成立统一战线,反对这些提案。Her dream is to present a lifestyle show on television.她的梦想就是将生活方式类节目搬上电视。The restaurant likes to present food with style.那家餐馆的食物总是色香味俱全。Most of us know her as the woman who used to present the television news.我们大多数人认识她是因为她曾主持过电视新闻节目。Despite the disagreements, they managed to present a united front.尽管有争议,他们对外还是尽量摆出一幅团结的姿态。And now I have a very pleasant duty to perform. I am going to present the prizes to the winning competitors.现在我要履行一项非常愉快的职责,给获奖选手颁奖。I am pleased to present our first comedian of the night.我很高兴请出我们今晚的第一位笑星。I have the honour to present the governor.我有幸向大家介绍总督。He seized the chance/initiative/opportunity to present his ideas to his boss.他抓住机会/主动权/机遇跟老板陈述了自己的想法。Who's going to present the prizes this year?今年将由谁来颁奖?Her lawyer wanted to present her in the most favourable light.她的律师想从最有利的方面来介绍她。He tried to present a justification for his behavior.他试图为自己的行为找一个借口。




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