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词汇 to predict
例句 Earthquakes are extremely difficult to predict.预测地震极其困难。We've developed a computer model of the economy to predict what will happen in the future.我们开发了一个关于这种经济的计算机模型来预测未来经济的发展。It was impossible to predict the outcome of the election.无法预测这次选举的结果。It is too early to predict whether the unemployment rate has peaked.要预测失业率是否已经达到最高点还为时尚早。It's hard to predict how a jury will react.很难预测陪审团将会作出何种反应。It's difficult to predict the course of events with any confidence.很难预测接下来将会发生什么。It is safe to predict that this trend will persist.可以有把握地预测,这一趋势将继续下去。There are many theories that claim to be able to predict whether you're carrying a boy or a girl.有许多理论声称能够预测胎儿的性别。No one is willing to predict what may transpire at the peace conference.没有人愿意预测和平会议上会发生什么。We should never aggregate votes to predict results under another system.我们绝对不可将选票相加来预测另一种制度下的选举结果。It's impossible to predict what will happen next.不可能预测接下来会发生什么。Failure to predict the incident badly discredited the country's intelligence service.未能预测到这一事件使该国的情报机构名声扫地。It is still not possible to predict the ultimate outcome.现在还无法预测最终的结果。It's impossible to predict what he'll do - he just acts when the spirit moves him.根本不可能预测他会做什么——他做事情纯凭感觉。It is not possible to predict with any certainty what effect this will have.不可能确切地预测到这会带来怎样的后果。It is impossible to predict the outcome of the negotiations with any degree of certitude.谈判结果完全无法预测。We use a computer model to predict the outcome of different scenarios.我们用计算机中的模型预测不同方案的效果。It's difficult to predict who will come out on top.很难预测谁会获胜。We are now more able to predict future patterns of climate change.我们现在更有能力来预测未来的气候变化模式。It is difficult to predict what the long-term effects of the accident will be.很难预料这次事故的长远影响。There's no way to predict the future health of the banking industry.银行业未来是否会兴旺发达根本无法预测。There are too many variables in the experiment to predict the result accurately.实验中可变因素太多,难以准确预测结果。The reaction of any individual trauma victim is difficult to predict.很难预测每个人对各自所遭受的创伤有何种反应。It's hard to predict how the election will turn out.这次选举的结果很难预测。It's possible to predict students' success by extrapolating from current exam scores.通过现在的考试成绩有可能推知学生将来的成就。Simulation models are used to predict earthquake patterns.仿真模型被用于预测地震模式。It's difficult to predict with any degree of certainty how much it will cost.要花多少钱很难作出任何确切的预测。It is difficult to predict for him an essayistic future.他在散文创作上有无前途尚难逆料。Is it accurate to predict the result on the basis of one secret vote?以一次不记名投票为基础预测结果准确吗? The weather is notoriously difficult to predict.众所周知,天气难以预测。Newton's theories allow us to predict the flight of a ball.牛顿的理论让我们可以预测球体的飞行路线。It's hard to predict voters' whims.很难预料选民们一时的决定。There is no surefire way to predict the outcome.不存在能准确预测结果的方法。At this point, I wouldn't even try to predict the outcome, but we're hoping for the best.此刻我是不会试图去预测结果的,我们只能抱乐观的态度。The extreme fluidity of the situation has made it impossible to predict the outcome.极不稳定的局势使得结果难以预测。They use computer simulation to predict weather conditions.他们使用计算机模拟预测天气情况。It's practically impossible to predict what will happen.将会发生什么,几乎不能预料。It is possible to predict the outcome with reasonable accuracy.预测出一个大致准确的结果是有可能的。Few would have dared to predict such a landslide victory.几乎没有人敢预言会有这样压倒性的胜利。It's impossible to predict the weather accurately.天气预报不可能很准确。




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