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词汇 charter
例句 They were granted a charter by the American headquarters.他们得到美国总部发给的许可证。This charter is being used as a political football.该章程被用做了政治皮球。Any interference in one country's domestic affairs by another country contravenes the UN charter.一国对另一国内政的干涉违反联合国宪章。They condemned the white paper as a charter for centralisation and selective education.他们谴责白皮书是在怂恿中央集权和精英教育。The charter should serve as a blueprint for cooperation.该章程应作为合作的行动方案。Prices on charter airlines are usually lower.包机的价格通常要低一些。There was an unprecedented shortage of aircraft available for charter at that time.那时可供包租的飞机空前缺乏。Those planes are available for charter.那些飞机可供包租。The charter can be seen in the town museum, which more than repays a visit.该宪章可以在镇博物馆看到,而这个博物馆确实值得去参观一下。Reducing the number of police is just a thieves' charter.减少警力等于是给窃贼开了通行证。Critics have described the new bill as a strikers' charter.批评家把新法令称为罢工者的特权法。They formed a charter school for girls who are good at math and science.他们建立了一所特许学校,招收在数学和科学方面出类拔萃的女生。They were given this right by royal charter.他们的这项权利是王室特许的。The charter allows for unrestricted trading.这一许可证允许无限制交易。Never knock charter flights; they are opening up the world for budget-conscious travellers.绝不要挑剔包机航班;他们使精打细算的乘客能够去往世界各地。This housing law would be a charter for dishonest landlords to cheat their tenants.这条住房法规就等于容许不诚实的房东欺骗租客的通行证。Your rights and responsibilities are defined in the citizens' charter.你的权利和义务在公民宪章中有明确的界定。The scheme's a charter for cheats.这个方案是对骗子的纵容。




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