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词汇 scenery
例句 We passed mile after mile of beautiful scenery as we drove through the country.我们驾车驶过乡间时,沿途经过的美丽风景绵延数英里。The flowers were colourful and the scenery magnificent.花朵色彩斑斓,景致格外壮观。The scenery showed a forest/bedroom.舞台上呈现的是一片森林/一间卧室。All the stage scenery has to be fireproofed.所有的舞台布景都必须是防火的。We decided to go to a new restaurant for a change of scenery.我们决定换个环境,尝试一家新餐馆。This village is surrounded by majestic mountain scenery.村子为壮丽的山色所环抱。The car in front was just tootling along through the beautiful scenery.前面那辆车在美景中悠然自得地向前开着。We admired the splendor of the mountain scenery.我们赞美这山区风景的壮丽。Several painters were working on a huge piece of canvas which would serve as the scenery.几位画家正在一块用作舞台布景的巨大帆布上作画。The scenery was losing its bright colouring.这处景色正在失去其亮丽的色彩。The critics praised the reality of the scenery and the naturalness of the acting.评论家称赞了舞台布景的现实逼真和表演的真实自然。I don't care about the scenery. I'm only interested in getting from A to B.我不在乎风景。我就喜欢东游西逛。The beautiful scenery took my breath away.这景色美得让人窒息。The beautiful scenery inspired the composer.美丽的景色使作曲家灵思泉涌。The flowers were colourful and the scenery magnificent.花儿五颜六色,景色蔚为壮观。The mountain scenery is majestic.这山景十分壮丽。The area has stunning scenery, beautiful beaches, and much more besides.那个地方有迷人的景色、美丽的沙滩,除此之外还有很多很多。An observation deck lets you take in the passing scenery.在观光甲板上能看到沿途的风景。The best part of the trip was the fantastic scenery.此次旅行最精彩之处就是那美妙的风景。This postcard doesn't do justice to the wonderful scenery.这张明信片没能充分展现那美丽的景色。They requested a dome car in order to get a good view of the beautiful scenery.他们要求乘坐有瞭望圆顶的客车,以便好好地观赏美丽的景色。We were struck by the boldness and abruptness of the scenery.景色的险峻与陡峭给我们留下了深刻印象。The journey will take you through some beautiful scenery.该旅程将带你领略一些漂亮的风景。The hotel lies amid spectacular mountain scenery.旅馆坐落在山间,景色壮美。The scenery for the play is beautiful.这部戏剧的布景十分美丽。I needed a change of scene / scenery after being in the job for so long.这个工作干了这么久,我需要换个地儿了。The breathtakingly beautiful scenery certainly lived up to expectations.这令人惊叹的美景的确符合人们的期望。The scenery of South Island is on a grand scale.南岛风光壮观秀丽。Just wash the scenery over here and there with lighter tints.给这风景画四下着上些淡色吧。We went for a drive to enjoy the scenery.我们驱车兜风欣赏风景。The twelve-mile coastline has magnificent scenery.十二英里的海岸线十分壮观。The beauty of the scenery took our breath away.风景美得令我们惊叹不已。She watched the passing scenery.她欣赏沿途的风景。The scenery was boring, the people even more so.风景很单调乏味,人更是如此。In the south-west of England, the scenery is timeless and unmistakably agricultural.英格兰西南部的景色万古不变,明显充满着农业气息。The golf course is surrounded by hills and boasts some of the finest scenery in the country.这个高尔夫球场群山环抱,拥有国内最美丽的景色。She designed the scenery for the play.她设计了这部剧的舞台布景。The patients benefit greatly from a change of scenery.病人换个环境会获益匪浅。The road undulates through pleasant scenery.那条道路在宜人的景色中延绵起伏。The train passes through some magnificent scenery.火车沿途可以看到一些壮美的风景。




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