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词汇 scent
例句 The air was filled with the scent of roses.空气中弥漫着玫瑰的芳香。The flower has a wonderful scent.这种花的香味很好闻。He made the calls from different pay phones around the city to throw the police off the scent.他使用市里不同的公用电话,使警察没法追踪。The fresh, clear air, moved agreeably by a zephyr breeze, held a scent of jasmine.和风吹动的清新空气带有茉莉花香。The delicate scent of roses hung in the air.空气里飘着淡淡的玫瑰花香。The scent of climbing roses wafts through the window.藤本月季的芳香飘进了窗户。The prisoner escaped because the dogs lost his scent.犯人逃走了,因为追踪他的狗闻不到他的气味了。The hounds picked up the scent of the fox.猎狗嗅到了那只狐狸的气味。The wild beasts took the scent up and followed it with great speed.那些野兽闻到了气味,迅速跟踪而去。The police admitted that they were off the scent.警方承认他们失去了线索。Melissa caught a whiff of the woman's scent.梅丽莎闻到了那个女人身上的香水味。The scent of her perfume lingered on in the room.她的香水味在屋里挥之不去。This flower has no scent.这花没有香味。The scent of flowers acts as a magnet to bees.花的香味像磁石一样吸引着蜜蜂。The dog raised its nose in the air, sniffed, and then started to follow the scent.狗抬起鼻子嗅了嗅,然后开始追踪这种气味。He crawled from print to print, sniffing at the earth, following the scent left in the tracks.它沿着脚印向前爬,在地面上嗅着,追踪着路上留下的气味。When you're choosing which flower to plant, appearance and scent should both be considered.当你选择种什么花时,外观和香味都应考虑。The house was filled with the scent of freshly baked bread.房子里飘着新鲜出炉的烤面包的香味。She loved the scent in the house of wax polish.她喜欢房子里打过蜡的味道。A scent of lemon wafted up from the garden below.从下面的花园里飘来一阵柠檬香。Police dogs have a very keen sense of smell and can scent even the slightest traces of drugs.警犬的嗅觉非常灵敏,即使是一点点毒品的气味也能嗅出来。The police are on the scent of the thieves.警察在追踪窃贼。The soft breeze brought the scent of the roses into the room.和风把玫瑰花香吹进了房间。Female ants release pheromones from their scent glands.雌蚁的臭腺中能释放出信息素。The hounds have the scent.猎犬嗅着臭迹。The dogs picked up the scent and started to bark.这些狗嗅到了气味,开始吠叫起来。The cat had left its scent on the sofa.沙发上留下了猫的气味。A scent of lemon and eucalyptus wafted up from the gardens.一股柠檬和桉树的芬芳从花园飘来。A police dog picked up the murderer's scent.一只警犬嗅出了凶手的气味。There was a scent of trouble in the air. 好像要有麻烦了。A heady scent of jasmine hung in the summer air.醉人的茉莉花香飘荡在夏日的空气中。The scent of the narcissi was in the air.空气中散发著水仙花的香味。The vixen's nose twitched at the scent of food.雌狐的鼻子因嗅到食物的香气而一掀一掀地抽动。A hunter should be able to tell which of his hounds carries the scent.猎人应该可以辨别出追踪到气味的猎犬。The deer caught the scent of the man, and sprang off over the hill.那头鹿闻到了人的味道,翻过山岗跑掉了。Many kinds of insect find their mates by scent.许多昆虫通过气味找到交配对象。Frank inhaled the exotic floral scent of her perfume.弗兰克嗅了一下她的香水散发出来的异国花香。The scent will attract certain insects.这种香味会招来某些昆虫。Detectives were thrown off the scent after evidence was destroyed.证据被毁后侦探们失去了线索。The flowers give off a heady scent at night.这些花在晚上散发出醉人的芳香。




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