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词汇 schedule
例句 Is the schedule agreeable to you? 你能接受这个日程安排吗?Despite his hectic work schedule, Benny has rarely suffered poor health.尽管工作繁忙,本尼却少有身体不好的时候。We hope to finish the work next week, but the schedule's very tight.我们希望在下周做完这工作,但日程安排很紧。We finally got down to brass tacks and decided to work out a schedule for the project.我们最终谈到了实质性问题,决定制订项目进度表。He planned his schedule far in advance, and he didn't deviate from it.他提前很早就制订出了自己的进度表,然后从未偏离过它。The alarm woke him on schedule.闹钟准时把他闹醒。They carefully regiment their son's diet/schedule/life.他们精心安排儿子的饮食/起居/生活。We have a tight schedule to keep.我们的日程排得很紧。Being able to set your own schedule is one of the advantages of owning a business.可以自行安排日程是自己办公司的一大好处。It will be completed several weeks behind schedule.这将比原计划晚几个星期完成。My schedule's pretty full, but I think I can work you in.我的日程很满,不过我想还是可以安排和你见面的。I lost my class/course schedule.我把课程表丢了。My schedule is totally crammed this week. Can we meet next week?我这周的时间表都已经排满了。我们下周见好吗?The class schedule is available on the website.课程表可在网站上查到。He has changed his schedule to a three-day stint, which starts Friday.他把日程安排改为三天时间,从星期五开始。We are on a tight schedule.我们的日程安排很满。Ms Carey appeared to blame her breakdown on EMI's punishing work schedule.凯丽女士似乎将她的精神崩溃归咎于百代唱片公司高度紧张的工作日程安排。The steward will be able to tell you whether the event is running to time or is ahead of schedule.组织者会告诉你活动是如期举行还是会提前。He vowed that he would move heaven and earth to finish the project on schedule.他发誓要竭尽全力按时完工。I know, we're a week behind schedule already.我知道我们已经比原定计划晚了一周。What's your schedule for tomorrow?你明天有什么安排?If you click on this link, it takes you to our flight schedule.点击这个超链接,你就可以浏览我们的航班时刻表。All of our athletes follow a punishing exercise schedule.我们所有的运动员都在执行一个极其艰苦的训练计划。There's a mistake in the schedule.这个日程表里有个错误。I'd like a schedule of the flights from Boston to New York, please.请给我一张波士顿至纽约的航班时刻表。The programme is now seven years behind schedule as a result, firstly of increased costs, then of technical problems.该计划的实施比原计划晚了七年,一是因为成本增加,二是由于技术问题。She thinks the world revolves around her and her schedule.她以为全世界就以她和她的时间表为中心。I started eating healthier and added exercise to my daily routine/schedule.我开始注重饮食健康,并把锻炼列入每天的作息表中。She has trouble making time in her busy schedule for exercise.她日程安排很满,难以挤出时间来健身。The President's schedule included a visit to a children's hospital.总统的日程安排中有一项是探访一家儿童医院。They have planned a tight schedule of travel.他们安排了一个紧凑的旅行日程。We were two months behind schedule, and already over budget.我们的进度晚了两个月,而且已经超出了预算。If we can't meet the schedule, we can hive off some of the work to another firm.如果我们来不及完成,可以把部分工作分给另一家公司做。At this stage everything is going according to schedule.目前,一切都在按计划进行。Rumour has it that the higher-ups want to push the schedule forward.谣传高层人物想把日程提前。The builders were ahead of schedule. 建筑工人赶在了工期前面完成。Sick your brother on some of the work so that it can be finished on schedule.这工作叫你兄弟也做一点,这样就可按时完成了。The schedule is a matter of some concern. 这个日程安排是我们所担忧的事情。When you're on a tight schedule, every minute counts.当你的计划安排得很紧的时候,每分每秒都很重要。The film's budget dictated a tough schedule.影片的预算决定了拍摄进度会很紧张。




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