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词汇 sceptical
例句 Economists, almost to a man, were sceptical.几乎所有的经济学家都持怀疑态度。He is highly sceptical of the reforms.他对改革持非常怀疑的态度。Environmental groups are sceptical of the government's claims.环境保护组织对政府的声明持怀疑态度。They are highly sceptical of political leaders.他们对政治领导人极不信任。All the polling evidence shows that the public are deeply sceptical on this issue.所有的民调证据都表明,公众对这一问题深表怀疑。I'm extremely sceptical about what I read in the press.我对报纸上读到的东西很不相信。They remain understandably sceptical about her promises of improvement.他们对她要进行改进的承诺依然持怀疑态度,这是有情可原的。He takes a rather sceptical view of love and romance.他对爱情和浪漫持非常怀疑的态度。The public believes the Government has good intentions but is sceptical about the results.公众相信政府有良好的愿望,但对结果表示怀疑。The party has always had a cautious and sceptical attitude to Europe.该党一直对欧洲持有谨慎而怀疑的态度。If you're still sceptical about exercising, we can only ask you to give it a try.如果你对锻炼仍然心存疑虑,我们只能请你亲自试一试了。When I started this investigation I was sceptical.刚开始这次调查时我是持怀疑态度的。His attitude towards all religion is sceptical.他对一切宗教都持怀疑态度。Many were sceptical about this solution.很多人对这个解决方案表示质疑。He is sceptical about its veracity, and yet to me it seems plausible.他对此事的真实性有怀疑,不过在我看来那似乎是可能的。The experience has left him sceptical about efforts at conciliation.这段经历使他对调停行动持怀疑态度。To begin with, I was sceptical, but I was soon convinced.我本来有些怀疑,但很快就深信不疑了。If you're still sceptical about exercising, we can only ask you to trust us and give it a try.如果你对锻炼还有疑虑,我们只能要求你相信我们,亲自试一试。Many were sceptical as to whether the plan would succeed.许多人对这个计划能否成功持怀疑态度。He listened to me with a sceptical expression.他以怀疑的神情听我说。From day one some people had been sceptical about the project's chances of success.有些人从一开始就怀疑这个项目是否具备成功的前景。Harrison approved the plan, but Riley remained sceptical.哈里森赞同该计划,但赖利持怀疑态度。I'm a little sceptical of these claims.我有点儿怀疑这些说法。He is deeply sceptical about the value of teaching poetry.他对讲授诗歌的价值深感怀疑。They are sceptical about how much will be accomplished by legislation.他们怀疑立法能起多大作用。He is very sceptical about the value of rote learning.他非常怀疑死记硬背是否有用。Other archaeologists are sceptical about his findings.其他考古学家对他的发现表示怀疑。I'm sceptical about the team's chances of winning.我对那球队的获胜机会有怀疑。They should be sceptical of exaggerated claims for what such courses can achieve.对于这些课程能够有何种成效的夸张宣传,他们应该持怀疑态度。




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