例句 |
The air was heavy with all the scents of summer.空气中充满了夏天的各种气息。The scents and sounds of the May countryside were wafted to us in the spring sunshine.在春日的阳光中,五月乡村的鸟语花香向我们飘荡过来。The tube scents of sulphur.这个试管有硫磺气味。The air was full of sweet, drowsy scents.空气里充满芬芳的、让人昏昏欲睡的气息。The oil is used to flavour and perfume soaps, foam baths, and scents.这种精油用来给肥皂、沐浴液和香水添加香味。Insects are often attracted by scents that aren't obvious to us.昆虫常常被我们感觉不到的气味吸引过去。 |