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词汇 屋顶
例句 The roof is reparable. 屋顶还可以修。On the left the ground drops away, giving a view over the rooftops.左边的地面往下倾斜,让人能看到屋顶The roof was cantilevered.屋顶由悬臂支撑。They hired an independent contractor to fix the roof.他们雇用了一家独立经营承包商来修屋顶He directed the tiny beam of light at the roof.他把那一小束光对准了屋顶The roof was in such bad condition that it needed to be completely replaced.屋顶非常残破,需要全部换掉。Dad's trying to mend the roof.爸爸正在设法修理屋顶The carpenter I hired did such a sloppy job that I finally had to fix the roof myself.我雇来的木匠干活太马虎了,最后我还得自己动手修理屋顶The roof provided cover from the rain.屋顶挡住了雨。They're doing some repairs to make the roof more watertight.他们在进行一些修理,以加强屋顶的防水性。The new building has aluminum siding and roofing.新建筑用铝作墙板和屋顶The roof is in poor repair.屋顶损坏严重。The roof needs some reinforcement.屋顶需作一定的加固。We could make out Edward's house across the bay, with red roofs and windows that caught the sun.我们看得清海湾那头爱德华的房子,红屋顶和玻璃窗在阳光下闪闪发光。Rain drummed on the roof.雨点滴滴答答地敲打屋顶Unfortunately, the carved ceilings have suffered woodworm attack over the years.可惜的是,多年来雕花的屋顶一直遭到蛀虫的侵害。The roof tile missed me by a whisker.屋顶的瓦差一点儿就砸在我头上了。They inspected the roof for leaks.他们检查了屋顶看看是否有漏隙。The house had its roof blown off in the gale.屋顶让狂风给刮掉了。Part of the roof has caved in.屋顶已经部分塌落了。The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow.屋顶被雪压坍了。They unroofed a great part of the building.他们把那座建筑的大部分屋顶拆掉。The weight of the snow caved in the roof.积雪把屋顶压塌了。Flames were shooting up from the roof of the building.火舌正从屋顶喷出。It'll cost you to have your roof repaired.修理屋顶要花很多钱。The roof of the temple was held up by a row of thick stone columns.这座寺庙的屋顶由一排粗大的石柱支撑着。The roof was braced with four poles.屋顶由四根柱子支撑。Zinc roofs are not especially durable.锌皮屋顶并不特别耐用。The new covering will not affect the stability of the roof structure.新的覆盖物不会影响屋顶的稳固性。The house had a leaky roof.房子的屋顶漏水。The roof was bambooed and ready to be thatched.屋顶已经用竹子扎好,可以盖茅草了。When we redo the roof shingles I'll install proper ventilation.我们修缮屋顶木瓦之后,我就安装合适的通风设备。The roof frames were constructed from thick, heavy timbers.屋顶框架是用又粗又重的木材建造的。The roof of the old barn collapsed.那座旧谷仓的屋顶坍塌了。She was sitting at the window, looking out over the housetops.她坐在窗户旁边,看著外面的屋顶The supports for the roof had fallen down, and the roof hung down on one side.屋顶的支撑物倒了,有一边垂了下来。The weight of snow collapsed the roof.积雪的重压使屋顶倒塌了。It'll cost a lot of money to have the roof fixed.屋顶修理好要花许多钱。Morning sunlight overgilds the rooftops.晨曦把屋顶染成金色。You need to get onto your landlord about that leaky roof.你应该和你的房东联系修理屋顶漏水的事。




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