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词汇 本能
例句 Many people respond reflexively to this kind of demand by saying no.很多人本能地拒绝了这种要求。Humans are hardwired to love fattening foods.人会本能地喜欢那些令人发胖的食物。Babies have a natural fear of falling.婴儿本能地害怕跌倒。You would expect babies to know how to breast-feed by instinct.你本以为婴儿会本能地知道如何吃奶。Some animals have an instinctive prescience of earthquakes.有些动物有预知地震的本能I have a strong instinct for self-preservation.我有一种强烈的自我保存的本能Man is controlled by his instincts as well as by reason.人不仅受理智的支配,而且也受种种本能的支配。Sandra silently blessed the instinct that had led her not to trust that man.桑德拉暗自庆幸自己本能地不信任那个男人。She has an unerring instinct for spotting the latest trends.她有准确无误地发现最新潮流的本能He was driven on by a primordial terror.他被本能的恐惧驱使着。Eavesdropping has become almost intuitive with him.对他来说,偷听几乎已变成本能了。Instinctively he hung back in the shelter of a rock.本能地退到了一块岩石后面。Animals have a natural instinct to procreate.动物具有繁殖的本能My gut reaction was that he was lying.本能地感觉到他在撒谎。It's an absolutely instinctive reaction. If a child falls, you pick it up.这完全是本能的反应。如果孩子摔倒了,你会把他扶起来。Her instincts took over and she dived on the escaping thief.她的本能占了上风,她猛地朝逃跑的窃贼扑了过去。Young players these days lack the killer instinct.如今的年轻选手缺乏拼杀的本能Without conscious thought, she instinctively placed a hand on his arm.她无意识地把手本能地放在了他的手臂上。I put my arm up over my face, automatically, instinctively self-protective.我下意识地举起胳膊遮住脸,本能地保护自己。He knew innately that their relationship had deepened.本能地知道他们的关系得到了深化。Fish instinctively fight their way upstream against the current.本能地奋力逆流向上游游动。A dog's protective instincts are manifested in increased alertness.狗的自我保护本能表现在它的警觉性越来越高。He knew instinctively where he would find her.本能地知道在哪儿能找到她。He should have let his instinct guide him.他该凭自己的本能行事的呀。I was acting on pure intuition/instinct. 我完全在凭着直觉/本能行事。The child's natural way of expressing himself is play.孩子表达自己的本能方法就是玩耍。What I need is a book that will demystify the workings of a car engine for me.我需要的是一本能通俗易懂地讲解汽车发动机工作原理的书。It was a purely reflexive move on his part.这在他纯粹是出自本能的行动。They responded viscerally to the criticism.他们本能地对批评做出了回应。He tried to conceal his instinctive revulsion at the idea.他试图掩盖自己对这一想法本能的厌恶。It's a natural instinct for a woman giving birth to bear down.产妇生产时用力推压是天生的本能Pfeiffer was expected to be cast alongside Douglas in Basic Instinct.菲佛有望和道格拉斯一起出演《本能》中的角色。He instinctively reached for his camera.本能地伸手去拿相机。Humans, he argues, are amoral and what guides them is not any sense of morality but an instinct for survival.他认为,人类无德,其行为不是出于道德感,而是出于生存的本能It was his instinct to bite back.反唇相讥是他的本能He believes that morality is based on instinct and feeling.他相信道德基于本能和情感。You feel an animal panic to run and hide.你会感到一种本能的恐惧而想要去逃避。My natural instinct was to defend myself.我当时本能的反应是为自己辩解。The spinning of webs is instinctive in spiders.织网是蜘蛛的本能He was a natural boxer, with a cold temper, fast reactions and a killer instinct.他是个天生的拳击手,性情沉着、反应灵敏,而且具有杀手的本能




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