例句 |
The bullet was intended for him. 子弹是冲着他射来的。The ship was hit by fire from a German plane.轮船被德军飞机上射来的炮火击中。A burst of gunfire from inside the corridor peppered the wall opposite him.走廊里射来的一串子弹接连打中了他对面的墙壁。Suddenly machine-gun bullets came singing down from the hilltop.突然,机枪子弹嗖嗖地从山顶射来。There was a strong light coming from the left.从左面射来一道强光。For a moment I was blinded by the glare of headlights coming towards me.我一下子被迎面射来的车头灯强光刺得两眼发花。 |