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词汇 to construct
例句 It is easy to construct a wooden framework for plants to grow against.给植物做个攀爬的木架很容易。It's difficult to construct a narrative out of a series of fast-moving events.很难把纷繁更迭的众多事件构建成一个故事。Use your protractor to construct an equilateral triangle.用量角器作一个等边三角形。The data will enable us to construct a profile of the company's customers.这些数据能使我们构建该公司客户的情况图表。They plan to construct a barn behind the house.他们计划在房后建一座谷仓。There are plans to construct a new road bridge across the river.有计划要建造一条新的跨河公路桥。Police have called in an expert to construct a psychological profile of the murderer.警方请来一名专家对该杀人犯进行心理特征分析。You will find it difficult to construct a spending plan without first recording your spending.你会发现不先把自己的开销记录下来就很难制订支出计划。The men started gathering wood to construct a crude shelter.那些男人开始收集木头搭建一个简陋的棚子。There was pressure on academics to construct narratives of the period that were positive.学者们面临压力,要对这一段时间的事件构建一个正面的陈述。A perfect circle is an ideal impossible to construct.完全的圆是一种无法作出的理想图形。It took them two years to construct the bridge.他们用了两年时间建这座桥。Students need the ability to construct a logical argument.学生要具备逻辑论证的能力。I even tried to construct some iambic pentameter.我甚至尝试写些五步抑扬格诗。Army engineers were called in to construct the canal.工兵们奉命去修建运河。




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