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词汇 to connect
例句 It is perfectly possible to connect a computer to a cell-phone network via a radio modem.通过无线调制解调器完全可以将计算机与手机网络连通。Social networking sites allow you to connect up with friends and relatives.社交网站使你能和亲朋好友交流。There is no evidence to connect them with the attack.没有证据把他们和这次袭击联系在一起。Some say that the political party has lost its way and really doesn't know how to connect with voters anymore.有人说这个政党迷失了方向,全然不知如何继续与选民建立良好关系。I keep getting an error message when I try to connect to the Internet.尝试接通因特网的时候我老是得到出错提示信息。His character seems not to connect with his painting.看来他的性格与他的画没有关系。She failed to connect on the shot. = The shot failed to connect. 她没击中目标。His grand design was to connect up every academic institution in the world.他的伟大计划是在世界上所有的学术机构之间都建立起联系。I hope the exhibitors will be able to connect up with promising new employees.我希望参展商们能遇见有前途的新员工。There was no evidence then to connect smoking and lung cancer.那时没有证据把抽烟和肺癌联系起来。Canals were dug to connect England's industrial cities with the sea.人们修筑运河把英格兰的工业城市和海洋连接起来。It has never been easier to connect, network, and collaborate as a result of the evolution of the Social Web.由于互联网在社交联络方面的发展,从来没有比现在更容易建立联系、加入网络和开展合作了。The police were looking for evidence to connect him with the crime.警方正在寻找他与这一犯罪有关联的证据。I took an early flight to connect with a train to the coast.我搭乘早班飞机,之后转乘开往海滨的火车。We'll have to connect these wires to make the radio work.我们必须把这些电线接起来使收音机工作。The investigators worked meticulously through the evidence for several months, but found no real evidence to connect Murray with the crime.那些调查员几个月来仔细研究了这些证据,但找不出实质性的证据能证明默里与此罪行有关联。A classroom modem allows you to connect remotely to the server.教室的调制解调器支持与服务器进行远程连接。The landlady has never been able to connect with her tenant.女房东从来不曾与房客形成融洽的关系。The conference will provide fundraisers and companies with an opportunity to connect up.这次会议将为筹款人和公司提供接触机会。Police were unable to connect her to the crime.警方无法证明她与这起犯罪有牵连。The show seemed to connect with audiences.这场表演似乎使观众产生了共鸣。Click here to connect to the Internet.在这里点击一下和因特网连接。Please wait, we are trying to connect you.请稍候,我们正在帮你接通。Please hold the line. I'm trying to connect you.请别挂线,我正在为您接通。




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