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词汇 to consider
例句 It is also expected to consider a resolution which would allow food to go through immediately with fewer restrictions.预计还将考虑通过一项决议,将减少限制使食品迅速通过。A few years ago I was asked by a publisher to consider writing a novel, and the idea has been in cold storage ever since.几年前,一位出版商要我考虑写一部小说,但之后这事就搁置下来了。A year later, she had healed to the point of at least being able to consider a romantic relationship with another man.一年以后,她的感情创伤已慢慢愈合,至少能考虑和另一个男性开始恋爱关系了。Even granting that you may be right , I still think we need to consider other solutions.即使承认你是对的,我还是认为我们需要考虑其他的解决方案。Don't be afraid to consider apparently extravagant ideas.要勇于考虑一些貌似离谱的想法。You have to learn to consider other people.你要学会顾及他人。She paused to consider the all-important issue of which shoes to wear.她驻足考虑穿哪双鞋子这样一个非常重要的问题。It is valid to consider memory the oldest mental skill, from which all others derive.我们有理由认为记忆是最原始的心智技能,所有其他技能都在此基础上衍生出来。We agreed to consider the matter again at a future date.我们同意将来某个时候再来考虑此事。The judge summed up and the jury retired to consider its verdict.法官总结后陪审团退庭讨论裁决。Mr Speaker, my honourable friend has failed to consider the consequences of his proposal.议长阁下,我尊敬的朋友没有考虑到他的提案的后果。She never stopped to consider how her decision might affect others.她从未停下来想想她的决定会怎样影响他人。Group dynamics are important to consider.小组成员间的互动是值得思考的重要问题。We need to consider these events in context.我们需要结合相关背景来考虑这些事件。You have to consider any extrinsic factors in the success of the business.你必须考虑到使生意成功的任何外部因素。You've got to consider the time element when planning the whole project.你在规划整个工程时必须考虑到时间因素。We ran through the checklist of points to consider when buying a computer.买电脑时我们过了一遍待考虑事项的清单。You might want to consider cycling.你或许可以考虑骑自行车。It is best to consider all this before entering upon such an undertaking.最好在开始这项工作前好好权衡这一切。If the jury decided there was a libel, it would have to consider its effect on Miss Smith's position.如果陪审团裁定诽谤罪成立,那就必须考虑其对史密斯小姐的职位的影响。You might want to consider leaving early.你可能需要早点走。It might be worthwhile to consider your attitude to an insurance policy.考虑一下你对投保的看法也许有所助益。A committee was appointed to consider the plans.一个委员会被指定去研究这些计划。We need to consider the relative merits of both makes of dishwasher.我们需要权衡两种品牌洗碗机相比较而言的优点。Let's answer the question in general; we haven't time to consider all the niceties.我们笼统地回答这个问题吧;我们没有时间考虑全部细节。The jury retired to consider their verdict.陪审团退出去议定如何裁断。The list serves as a useful reminder of the issues to consider.这个单子列出了应该考虑的问题,相当有用。You need to consider the question from all angles.你需要从各方面考虑这个问题。Here are a few more ideas to consider.这儿还有几个想法可供考虑。We need to consider the proposals en bloc.我们需要把这些提议放在一起考虑。Something approaching a lynch mob has been gathering against the Chancellor for even daring to consider higher interest rates.怒不可遏的群众聚集起来,抗议财政大臣胆敢动提高利率的念头。He refused to consider his wife's threat to leave him.他的妻子扬言要离开他,但他拒不顾及这威胁。The young man is dead. We have only to consider the living.这个年轻人死了。我们只能考虑活着的人。The jury went out to consider its verdict.陪审团离席去讨论其判决。We tend to consider old age as a social problem.我们往往将老龄视为一个社会问题。As the president's prestige continues to fall, they're clearly beginning to consider him a liability.随着总统的声望持续下跌,他们显然开始视他为负累。He paused a moment to consider before responding.在回答之前,他停顿了片刻想了想。He put forward a plan for the committee to consider.他提出一项计划让全体委员审议。A committee was appointed to consider changes to the Prison Service.已委派了一个委员会负责考虑对监狱部门进行改革。I can see your point of view, but I think we have to consider the long-term implications.我能理解你的看法,但是我认为我们必须考虑长期影响。




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