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The fireman directed his hose at the flames.消防队员将水龙管对准火焰浇水。She trained her binoculars on the bird.她把望远镜对准那只鸟。He aimed the gun at the door.他把枪对准那扇门。The directional microphone trained on Foresters Cottage could pick up every word uttered inside at several hundred yards.对准福雷斯特小屋的定向扩音器在几百码远的地方也能捕捉到里面的人所说的任何一句话。We trained binoculars on the treetops.我们把双筒望远镜对准了树梢。We aimed the microscope at a likely looking target.我们把显微镜对准了一个看起来合适的目标。The searchlight bore on the enemy plane.探照灯对准了敌机。He turned the gun on me.他把枪口对准我。He sighted in on the hill with his compass.他用罗盘对准着那座小山。Mosquitoes zeroed in on my naked flesh.蚊子对准我赤裸的皮肉群起攻之。She punctuated her sentence with a well-aimed kick at his right shin.她说着停了下来,对准他的右腿胫部狠踢了一脚。He raised the binoculars and zeroed in on the room.他举起双筒望远镜,对准了那个房间。Try to aim the antenna in the right direction.尽量把天线对准正确方向。She produced a camera and pointed it at me.她拿出相机对准了我。She gave him a sock in the jaw/stomach.她对准他的下巴/腹部重重一击。Dodging the blow, he aimed a few more jabs.他躲过那一击,对准敌手又猛戳几下。Turn the cake the right way up on to a wire rack…把蛋糕翻到合适的方向对准金属丝架上。He drew on me, and I was forced to defend myself.他拔出手枪对准我,我被迫自卫。Aim for his legs, not his body.对准他的腿,而不是身体。The images are blurred because the telescope is out of focus.望远镜没有对准焦点,图像模糊不清。The centre forward aimed for the left-hand corner of the net.中锋对准球网的左角射门。She raised her binoculars to the distant road across the valley.她举起双筒望远镜对准远处山谷对面的那条公路。Republican strategists are taking particular aim at Democratic senators in the Carolinas.共和党战略家把批评的矛头对准了南北卡罗来纳州的民主党参议员。He socked him in the eye/nose/jaw.他对准他的眼睛/鼻子/下巴重重一击。He aimed a punch at my jaw.他对准我的下巴打了一拳。The dog snapped at the boy's ankles.狗对准男孩的脚踝猛地咬去。A bank of telephoto lenses homed in on him.一整排的远摄镜头都对准了他。Nuclear missiles will no longer be targeted on these cities.核导弹将不再对准这些城市。If you are attacked, go for your attacker's eyes as they are the most vulnerable part of the face.如果你遭到袭击,就对准袭击者的眼部打去,眼睛是脸上最脆弱的部位。The critics immediately homed in on the group's newly-elected members.批评家马上将矛头对准该组织新选出的成员。He shot an arrow at the hare.他对准野兔射了一箭。He focused his binoculars on the building opposite.他把双筒望远镜对准对面的建筑物。Had she kept the camera focused on the river bank she might have captured a vital scene.要是她把相机的镜头一直对准河岸的话,可能就捕捉到重要的一幕了。She aimed at a point in the eastern sky.她朝东对准天空的一个点。He found the binoculars and focused them on the boat.他找到双筒望远镜,然后调焦对准那艘船看。She aimed the telescope at a point in the eastern sky.她把望远镜朝东对准天空的一个点。She trained her binoculars on the horizon.她将双筒望远镜对准地平线。He focused his binoculars on the building in the distance.他把双筒望远镜对准远处那座建筑物。She focused on a shadowy silhouette in the haze.她慢慢将视线对准薄雾中一个模糊的轮廓。Andy levelled the revolver at me menacingly.安迪恶狠狠地将左轮手枪对准了我。 |