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They are holding hostages to try to force the authorities into talks on possible amnesties for drugs offences.他们扣押了若干人质以胁迫当局就赦免毒品犯罪与他们谈判。The consent decree required the state to institute certain programs that were not required by federal law.双方同意的判决要求该州制定联邦法律没有要求的若干方案。The design is formed with triangles.该图案由若干三角形组成。In the third year a number of areas are studied in detail.第三年要就若干领域深入研习。Now if a great lake like Victoria were to dry up partially, it would be split into a number of separate, smaller lakes.现在如果像维多利亚湖这样的大湖部分干涸,它就会被分成若干独立的小湖泊。The statement added that although there were a number of differing views, these would be discussed by both sides.这项声明还称,虽然双方观点存在若干分歧,但将就这些分歧展开讨论。As a lawyer he was involved in high-profile divorce cases.作为律师,他经办过若干引人注目的离婚案。There were, however, a number of crucial flaws in his monetary theory.但是,他的货币理论中存在若干关键性错误。She loved him and they did have some interludes of real happiness together.她爱过他,其间亦曾穿插着若干共同感到真正幸福的时刻。The party split into petty factions.该党分成若干小派系。Her research led to a number of important discoveries about the disease.她的研究工作对这一疾病有若干重大发现。He has received some reparation for the damage.他已收取了若干损害赔偿金。Television has begun to offer selected programmes from some foreign countries.电视已经开始选播若干外国节目。The government has announced the phased closure of a number of military bases.政府宣布分阶段逐步关闭若干军事基地。The task won't feel so overwhelming if you break it down into small, easy-to-accomplish steps.如果将这个任务细分为简单易行的若干步骤来做,便不会感到如此无所适从。The government has mobilized several of the army's top combat units.政府已调动了若干陆军精锐作战部队。There are n objects in a box.盒子里有若干件物品。I've retired for some time now — but I've not gone quite rusty yet.我退休已有若干时候了,但是我还不十分衰老迟钝。The first and second parts of Goethe's Faust are divided into acts.歌德的《浮士德》的第一部分和第二部分被分为若干幕。Sulphur dioxide is one of several pollutants that are released into the atmosphere by coal-fired power stations.二氧化硫是火力发电站排放到大气中的若干污染物之一。The Trust needs a new law to divide it up into smaller bodies.该托管组织需要有新法律来将它分成若干小型机构。These rules tell us how a sentence is broken down into phrases.这些规则告诉我们一个句子是怎样分解成若干短语的。The country has disintegrated into separate states.这个国家已经分裂成若干独立的国家。He has made certain allegations against the company.他已经对这家公司提出了若干指控。He jotted down a few particulars in his notebook.他在笔记本中匆匆记下了若干细目。You minimize risk by investing in a spread of successful companies.投资到若干不同的成功的公司,你就会把风险降到最低。The report breaks down the results region by region.报告将调查结果按地区分成若干部分。The house has now been split up into individual flats.这栋房子现在被分隔成若干独立的套间。The teacher split the class into groups.老师把全班分成了若干小组。The government increased prices on several basic commodities like bread and meat.政府抬高了面包和肉等若干基本商品的价格。The government said an unspecified number of bandits were killed.政府称已歼灭若干路匪。The government said an unspecified number of bandits were killed.政府称已歼灭若干土匪。The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements.新款汽车会有若干重大改进。He uses a number of historical examples to support his thesis.他援用了历史上的若干例子证明自己的论点。We will institute a number of measures to safeguard the public.我们将制定若干措施以保护公众安全。An anchor coordinates a newscast in which several correspondents give reports.新闻节目主播在新闻节目中综合整理若干记者的报导。They like to use their analytical skills to compartmentalize the different aspects of a challenge and to then address one part at a time.他们喜欢运用自己的分析能力将一项挑战划分为若干不同部分,然后逐一解决。Large departments were broken down into smaller units.大部门被拆分成若干小部门。When buying shares, it's wise to spread your investment over several companies.购买股票时,分散投资若干家公司是明智之举。They enlisted several new recruits.他们招募了若干新兵。 |