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词汇 宣读
例句 He read the new regulations amid running remarks from the audience.他在听众的议论纷纷中宣读新条例。The spokesperson read a prepared statement.发言人宣读了预先准备好的声明。He gazed vacantly while the verdict and sentence were pronounced.宣读判决时,他面无表情地瞪着眼睛。They listened solemnly as the list of those missing at sea was read out.他们严肃地听着海上失踪人员名单宣读出来。The family attended the reading of her will.全家人都参加了她的遗嘱宣读The prisoner exhibited no emotion when the sentence was read out.宣读判决书的时候,囚犯表现得无动于衷。When the verdict was read out, all the colour drained from Zeida's cheeks.宣读判决时蔡达面无人色。The announcement has been delayed to avoid clashing with the Prime Minister's speech.公告宣读被推迟了,以避免和首相的讲话发生时间冲突。The judge read the verdict in a clear and solemn voice.法官用清楚、庄严的声音宣读了判决书。Bonner read from a carefully prepared statement.邦纳宣读了一份事先精心准备的声明。I move to approve the minutes as read.我提议确认宣读的会议记录。She stifled a yawn as the boss read out the sales figures.她忍住呵欠,听老板宣读销售额。He read the list of names out.宣读了名单。We attended the reading of my uncle's will.我们参加了叔叔遗嘱的宣读仪式。He examined the condemned and then read the sentence.他查看了被判罪的人,然后宣读判决。The President read a brief statement to reporters before boarding his plane.总统登机前向记者宣读了一篇简短的声明。She read the announcement in a very ceremonious way.她极其庄重地宣读了这份声明。On Monday he breathed his last; on Tuesday the will was read; on Wednesday all hell broke loose.周一他去世了;周二宣读了遗嘱;周三就闹翻了天。Both men appeared unmoved as the judge read out their sentence.在法官宣读判决时,两个人都表情麻木。I read out the names on the list.宣读了名单上的名字。She read a statement to reporters yesterday.昨天她向记者宣读了一份声明。The defendant showed/displayed no emotion when the verdict was read.宣读裁定书时,被告脸上毫无表情。He's obliged to take his turn at reading out the announcements.轮到他大声宣读通知了。The school principal read the honor roll list.校长宣读优秀生名单。The vicar began the ceremony with a reading.教区牧师开始宣读,仪式开始。A grim-faced diplomat read out the declaration of war.一位神情严肃的外交官宣读了宣战书。Before the trial recessed today, the lawyer read her opening statement.今天庭审休庭之前,律师宣读了她的开庭陈述。He read out the names of all the winners.他大声宣读所有获胜者的名字。Her diaries were read out in open court.她的日记在公开法庭上被宣读了出来。We listened in silence as the names of the dead were read out.宣读死者的名字时我们都默默地听着。While a clergyman is reading the banns, an objector may stand up in church and forbid the banns.牧师在教堂宣读结婚公告时,反对者可起立提出异议。The soldiers read the people a royal decree. 士兵们给民众宣读王室敕令。She will be presenting a paper on methods for teaching ESL at the conference.在大会上她将宣读一篇关于英语作为第二语言教学方法的论文。She presented a paper at the conference.她在会议上宣读了一篇论文。Kemp sat motionless as the verdict was read.宣读判决时肯普一动不动地坐着。He delivered a moving eulogy at his father's funeral.他在父亲的葬礼上宣读了一篇催人泪下的悼词。The proposal was read out and then put to the vote.这项提议被宣读,然后提交表决。A spokesperson for the company read to waiting reporters from a prepared statement.公司的一位发言人向等候的记者们宣读一份事先准备好的声明。The president read a declaration to a vast assembled crowd.总统向大批聚在一起的人宣读了声明。Please call the names of all the people who are present.宣读全体出席人员的名字。




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