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词汇 安妮塔
例句 Anita drove north up Pacific Highway.安妮塔驱车沿太平洋公路向北行驶。Anita seemed lost in private thoughts.安妮塔似乎陷入了沉思。Mr Rogers, I have Anita Payne on the phone for you.罗杰斯先生,安妮塔·佩恩打电话找你。Anita is a school lab technician.安妮塔是学校实验室的技术员。The strain of managing such a huge company became too much for Anita.管理这样庞大的公司所带来的压力让安妮塔受不了。Anita Loos was in many respects untypical of the screenwriting trade.在许多方面,安妮塔·卢斯看着都不像是从事剧本创作这一行的。She made many sacrifices to get Anita a good education.为了让安妮塔接受良好的教育,她作出了很多牺牲。Anita broke off her engagement when she found out that Paulo had been seeing another woman.安妮塔发现保罗在和另一个女人约会,于是就解除了婚约。Shading her eyes, Anita scanned the horizon.安妮塔用手挡住阳光,眺望地平线。Anita envied her sister's amorality and contempt for public opinion.安妮塔羡慕姐姐不受道德观念的制约,藐视公众舆论。It really galled him to see Anita doing so well now.看到安妮塔现在干得那么好,他心里实在恼火。Anita is collecting material for a novel.安妮塔正在收集小说素材。I had an interesting thought today when I was talking to Anita. Do you realize that she's never asked us to her house in all the time we've known her?今天我和安妮塔交谈时忽然有个有趣的想法。你有没有留意到我们和她相识了这么长时间,她从未邀请过我们去她家里?He couldn't help Anita overcome her disappointment.他无法帮助安妮塔克服沮丧之情。Politics have always interested Anita.安妮塔一直对政治感兴趣。Anita pushed her plate away; she had eaten virtually nothing.安妮塔把自己的盘子推开;她几乎什么都没吃。




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