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例句 Learners show a preference for one learning style over others.学习者显示出他们对一种学习风格较其他风格的偏爱。The classes are tailored to suit learners' needs.课程根据学习者的需要而设计。Learners will benefit from using the book in conjunction with the video.这本书配合录像一起使用,学习者会有所得益。Spelling is the scourge of learners of English. 拼写是英语学习者的一大困难。Grammatical information helps learners to encode sentences.语法信息可以帮助学习者正确造句。Grammatical information helps learners to decode sentences.语法信息有助于学习者正确理解句子的含义。Each learner can proceed at his own speed.每一位学习者都可以按自己的进度学习。This dictionary is an invaluable reference tool for advanced learners.本词典是高级学习者不可多得的参考工具。The course is suitable for beginners and advanced students.这门课程适合于初学者和高级学习者The book is specially designed for learners.这本书是专为学习者而设计的。The learner of a second language has many obstacles to overcome.第二语言学习者有许多障碍要克服。The book is aimed at learners of English rather than native speakers.这本书的对象是英语学习者,而不是母语是英语的人。It is often assumed that the learner is merely passive.人们常常想当然地认为学习者只是被动接受。If tasks are too challenging, the end result is that learners are discouraged.如果任务太具挑战性,最终结果是学习者会灰心丧气。This book contains a series of elementary exercises for learners.本书含有为学习者设计的一系列基础练习。A discoverable website helps learners follow their creativity rather than a prescribed path.可搜索网站帮助学习者遵循自己的创造性而不是预先设定好的路径。There is evidence that many learner errors cannot be accounted for in this way.有证据表明学习者的许多错误都不能这样解释。Guidance must be given as to what tasks the learner should attempt.必须就学习者应该尝试什么任务给予指导。This novel is too difficult for intermediate students of English.这部小说对于中等程度的英语学习者来说太难了。The program is designed to satisfy the needs of adult learners.这一课程是为满足成年学习者的需要而设计的。English spelling presents special difficulties for foreign learners.对外国学习者来讲,英语拼写特别困难。The book has been written with the interests of young learners in mind.作者写这本书时考虑到了年龄较小的学习者的兴趣。The learner's attention needs to be directed to the significant features.需要将学习者的注意力引向那些着重点上。The college has English classes for non-native speakers. 这所学院给非母语英语学习者开设了英语课。The course is designed to meet the needs of young learners.这门课程是为满足年轻学习者的需要而开设的。This report highlights some of the problems faced by learners of English.这份报告突显了英语学习者面对的一些问题。




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