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词汇 to open
例句 Recent election losses have led to open rebellion among some party members, who are calling for a complete change of leadership.近期选举失利导致党内一些成员公开反抗,他们要求彻底更换领导层。Drug abuse is a can of worms nobody wants to open at sporting events.滥用药物是体育赛事中无人想要触及的棘手问题。He's not to open it.他不打算打开它。They have decided to open their airspace to commercial aircraft.他们决定对商用飞机开放领空。They used brute force to open the door.他们用蛮力打开了门。Click on this icon to open the File Manager.点击这个图标打开档案管理器。Balancing my cup of coffee in one hand, I managed to open the door.我用一只手小心地端着一杯咖啡,另一只手把门打开。I'm going to open an account with another bank.我打算在另一家银行开一个账户。With the help of a screwdriver, he managed to open the door.他借助螺丝刀打开了门。He refused to open his eyes to the truth.他拒绝接受事实。He's likely to open the batting.他可能先发击球。All sorts of possibilities began to open up.各种各样的可能性开始出现。 The rail company plans to open several new lines over the next five years.铁路公司计划在未来五年再开几条新线路。The purpose of the training is to open managers' eyes to the consequences of their own behaviour.此次培训的目的是要让管理人员认识到自己的行为所带来的后果。We couldn't even summon up the energy to open the envelope.我们甚至连打开信封的力气都没有了。She stood on her tiptoes to open the high window.她踮起脚尖,打开高处的窗户。We plan to open a New York office in the near future.我们计划于近期在纽约开设一个办事处。At that moment the boss walked in, and I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.正在那时老板走了进来,我只希望地上裂条缝让我钻进去。Ask the waiter to open another bottle of champagne.叫服务员再开一瓶香槟。When Angie was written out of 'Eastenders' her character went to Spain to open a bar.在《伦敦东区人》中扮演的角色到西班牙开酒吧去了后, 安吉就不再出场了。After three hours of playing cat and mouse, they threatened to open fire on our vessel, so we stopped.经过三小时猫捉老鼠似的追逐后,他们威胁说要向我们的船开火,我们就停下了。The firms intend to open either together under one roof or alongside each other in shopping malls.这些公司想一起开在同一栋大楼里,或者彼此紧挨着开在大型购物中心里。Barry bit the corner of the packet to open it.巴里在包装盒的角上咬了一下,把它打开。We've ditched plans to open a café together.我们放弃了合伙开咖啡馆的计划。The dentist told me to open my mouth a little wider.牙医叫我再张大一点嘴巴。I haven't had a chance to open my mail yet.我还没有机会打开我的邮包。They decided to open the meeting to the general public.他们决定将会议公开。The new taxes provoked the population to open rebellion.新的征税引发了人们的公开反抗。Some banks make it difficult to open an account.在一些银行开户很麻烦。They plan to open in September.他们计划在九月份开张营业。We had no key so we had to break the lock to open the door.我们没钥匙,不得不撬锁开门。The company plans to open a flagship store in New York this month.公司计划本月在纽约开一家旗舰店。We're hoping to open the factory some time next year.我们希望工厂能在明年某个时候开工。He made to open the door but Bunbury forestalled him.他想要打开房门,但是邦伯里抢先一步阻止了他。He had surgery to open up blockages in his arteries.他做了动脉疏通手术。Click on the icon to open your e-mail program.点击这个图标,打开你的电子邮件程序。If you take these bags, that will give me a free hand to open the door.你拿一下这些包,我就能腾出手来开门了。Do not, under any circumstances, open that door. = Under no circumstances are you to open that door. 无论如何都不要打开那扇门。The government has announced plans to open up access to higher education.政府宣布了增加人们接受高等教育机会的计划。The museum is due to open next year.博物馆预计明年开放。




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