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I had to confess my ignorance when they asked me to operate the truck.他们让我开卡车的时候,我不得不承认自己不会开。We must run a test before beginning to operate a new machine.在开始使用一台新机器前必须先进行一次试验。The government revoked her husband's license to operate migrant labor crews.政府撤销了她丈夫管理外来打工人群的许可证。They're going to operate on an obstruction in her colon.他们准备对她结肠里的阻塞物进行手术。The air line service is to operate daily.这条航线每天都有班机飞行。The computers remained in their boxes until enough money was found to buy the software needed to operate them.那些电脑一直放在包装盒里,直到有了足够的钱去买操作软件。The machine is very awkward to operate.这台机器非常不好操作。By studying civics, you will learn how our government, economic system and political system are supposed to operate.通过学习市政学,你可以了解我们的政府、经济体制和政治体制该如何运转。Some cats are clever enough to figure out how to operate doorknobs.有些猫很聪明,知道怎样拧门把手。This boat has a good deck layout making everything easy to operate.这艘船的甲板布局合理,使得所有操控都很方便。My job was to operate the telephone switchboard.我的工作是操作电话交换台。The machinery is easy to operate.这种机器容易操作。The car's service manual is designed to operate as a guide for owners.汽车的售后服务手册被设计成具有用户指南的功用。Do you know how to operate the air conditioning?你知道如何使用这台空调吗?It's possible to operate the machines by remote control.用遥控器来操作这几台机器是可能的。I thought it was unethical for doctors to operate upon their wives.我认为医生为自己妻子做手术不合乎职业道德。TV companies need the ability to operate freely, with the minimum of government interference,电视公司需要有自由经营的权力,政府的干涉应被减少到最低的限度。It ordinarily takes two people to operate the machine.通常需要两个人来操作这台机器。Such dams can corral off enough water to operate a series of turbine pumps.这种水坝能围出足以驱动一组涡轮泵的水。They had to operate without anaesthetic.他们不得不在没有麻醉的情况下做手术。Under federal law, Indian nations are allowed to operate casinos on their reservations, with the state's permission.根据联邦法律,印第安民族经政府许可,可以在他们的居留地经营赌场。I can't figure out how to operate that doohickey.我搞不懂怎么开动那个小玩意儿。The doctor did not agree that the only solution was to operate.这位医生不同意唯一的解决办法是动手术。The system that pressurizes the airplane's cabin failed to operate correctly.调节机舱内气压的系统失灵了。The sophisticated avionics enable the helicopter to operate at night.先进的航空电子设备使得这架直升机可以在夜间飞行。Surgeons had to operate to remove the bullet.外科医生不得不动手术取出子弹。His object is to determine how much the business will cost to operate.他的目的是确定开展这项业务的费用是多少。We may have to operate on your leg.我们可能要对你的腿进行手术。For his own safety, he has to operate under a false name/an alias.为了自身安全,他不得不使用假名/化名。The doctors needed to operate immediately.医生们需要马上开始手术。Sue showed him how to operate the machine.休教他如何操作那台机器。The army is now empowered to operate on a shoot-to-kill basis.军队得到授权,在行动中可以开枪射杀。The jet's high fuel consumption makes it expensive to operate.这种喷气式飞机的高油耗导致其运营成本很高。Do you understand how to operate the machine?你懂得如何操作这部机器吗? They were about to operate on a boy with an abnormality in his urinary opening.他们即将给一个尿道口畸形的男孩动手术。We're able to operate covertly to monitor the situation.我们可以采取秘密行动,监视事态的发展。My mother taught me how to operate the washing machine.妈妈教我如何使用洗衣机。The bus is designed to operate in all weather conditions.这种公共汽车被设计成能够全天候行驶。This technology is useless if you aren't trained to operate it.如果你没有经过操作培训,这项技术就没有用。If the growth gets any bigger they'll have to operate.如果肿瘤再长大一些,他们将不得不动手术。 |