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词汇 too much
例句 The girl trusts to her memory too much.女孩过于依赖自己的记忆力。You read too much into the text.你对文本的解读过于牵强。This essay includes too much detail.这篇短文中有过多的细节刻画。He's too much of a cynic to see the benefits of marriage.他过于悲观,甚至连结婚的好处也看不到。Don't think too much about past troubles-look to the future.不要老想着过去的不快,放眼未来吧。There was too much data for the computer to process.这台计算机要处理的数据太多了。The job demands too much of him. 这份工作不是他力所能及的。I feel bad about not going to Debbie's party, but I've just got too much to do.没有参加黛比的聚会我很不好意思,但我的确有很多事要做。It was only a casual remark. I think you're reading too much into it.那不过是随便说说,我觉得你是多心了。He's my old man and I love him to bits but I can't spend too much time with him.他是我老爸,我很爱他,可是不能跟在一起时间太长。If you have too much fuel, you’ll flood the engine.加太多燃油的话,发动机就会溢油。I thought the obstacles placed in my way were too much.我觉得放置在我道路上的障碍太多了。He always drank too much and lost jobs by it.他老是饮酒过量,因此多次失业。Mary smothers her children with too much love.玛丽溺爱自己的孩子。Many Koreans believe that the rush of foreign products may be too much of a good thing.很多韩国人认为人们争相抢购外国货未必是好事。People usually complain about having to deal with too much bureaucracy.人们经常抱怨不得不应付太多的繁文缛节。The pompous ass is puffed up by too much money.这头自以为了不起的蠢驴因为钱多而趾高气扬。Stress, lack of rest and too much stodgy food had made Pauline break out in spots.压力大、缺乏休息和吃太多的油腻食物使保利娜长粉刺了。She used to eat too much, but now she's gone to the opposite extreme and is practically starving herself.她以前吃得太多,可是现在走到了另一个极端,几乎要饿死自己了。Roz said she'd never marry because she valued her independence too much.罗兹说她一辈子不结婚,因为她太看重自立了。I'll go now - I don't want to take up too much of your time.我现在得走了—我不想占用你太多时间。After the divorce he was a real mess and started drinking too much.离婚后他潦倒透顶,而且开始酗酒。The spokesman was visibly pulling back from too much revelation.发言人欲言辄止,明明白白是不肯透露太多的情况。He tends to make too much of his problems.他往往把自己的难题看得过于严重。On the one hand, if the body doesn't have enough cholesterol, we would not be able to survive. On the other hand, if the body has too much cholesterol, the excess begins to line the arteries.一方面,如果体内没有足够的胆固醇,我们就无法存活下去。另一方面,如果体内胆固醇过高,多余的胆固醇就会附着在动脉内壁上。The teacher should not move around too much as this makes lip reading more difficult.老师不应该频繁走动,因为这会加大唇读的难度。The meeting spent too much time on petty issues, and didn't address the real problem.这个会议在无关紧要的问题上花了太多时间,而没有处理实质问题。I think they've been messed around far too much already.我想他们已经受了太多的窝囊气。A mother shouldn't show too much favour to one of her children.做母亲的不应对某一个孩子过于偏爱。As women we generally say and feel too much about these things.作为女性,我们通常在这些事情上谈得过多,过于敏锐。He said he hoped that the job of putting together a coalition wouldn't take too much time.他说他希望结成联盟的工作不会耗时太久。There was far too much meat for one person.肉太多了,一个人吃不完。Travelling backwards and forwards everyday cost him too much money.每天来回花了他太多的钱。These youngsters know they have too much to lose by protesting against the system.这些年轻人知道,如果对体制提出抗议,他们只会得不偿失。I can't take city life any more. There's too much push here for me.我再也受不了都市的生活,住在这里对我来说压力太大了。Be careful not to lose too much liquid by evaporation.小心不要因蒸发失去太多水分。He's had too much to drink. We'd better cut him off.他喝得太多了。我们最好不要让他再喝了。As usual, there was far too much food.和平常一样,吃的东西太多了。We are being given too much homework,so we will take things up with our teacher.我们的家庭作业太多,我们要向老师提这个问题。I can't go out to lunch today, I have too much work to do.今天我没法外出去吃午餐,工作太多了。




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