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词汇 too many
例句 Far too many people are blasé about their driving skills.对自己的驾驶技术满不在乎的人真是太多了。There are too many rules and regulations hedging us in.我们受到许多规章制度的限制。You're trying to do too many things at once.你同时做的事情太多了。They've got too many rules for me to remember them all.他们规则太多,我无法全都记下来。The electrical system in your house would be overloaded if you used too many electric home appliances at once.如果你同时使用许多家用电器的话,你家里的电力系统就会超载。He had a few too many beers and was smashed.他喝了太多啤酒,酩酊大醉。He has had a few drinks too many.他已经多喝了几杯。Please bear with me a second, as the exigencies of our situation are too many to explain.请容忍我一下,因为目前我们急需要做的事情太多了有点说不清。I'll try to tell the story without going into too many details. = I'll try not to go into too much detail.我将尽量简要叙述这个事情。She tried to squash too many clothes into the case.她把太多的衣服往箱里硬塞。There are too many ifs in this plan of yours.你的计划里有太多的假设。She already has too many shoes. She needs another pair like a hole in the head.她已经有太多的鞋子了,完全不需要新的。She's asking far too many personal questions for my liking.她问了我太多太多的个人问题。I'd never vote for Davies. He has too many policies I don't agree with.我决不会投戴维斯一票,他的政策有太多是我不赞成的。It's a trap too many people fall into.太多人都掉进了这个陷阱中。At my time of life, you can't take too many shocks like that.在我这个年纪,接受不了太多那样的打击。Wind power presents too many advantages to be allowed to sink into oblivion.风力具有很多优点,不该受到忽视。There are too many radio shows featuring idiots who call in and talk trash all day.在很多广播节目里,老有一些白痴整天打进电话说些废话。He is the receptacle of too many contradictory hopes.他是个心怀太多矛盾想望的人。I don't want to presume on/upon our friendship by asking for too many favors.我不想滥用咱们的朋友关系向你要太多好处。You can never have too many friends.朋友总是多多益善。He is dissipating his time and energy on too many different things.他在太多不同的事情上浪费时间和精力。In their zeal to industrialize, they got rid of too many farms.他们出于对工业化的热情而关闭了太多的农场。I can't understand her writing; she uses too many big words. 我看不懂她写的东西,因为她用了太多晦涩难懂的长词。There were too many other demands on his loyalty now.现在还有太多其他的事情也要求他忠心。She committed too many faults to win the match.她发球失误过多,输掉了比赛。In their eagerness for a settlement, they were prepared to make too many compromises.他们渴望达成和解,已经准备好作出过多的让步。She called me into her office and accused me of slacking and taking too many holidays!她把我叫进办公室,说我做事磨洋工,休假太多!It looks like she had a few too many.看上去她好像喝多了。There aren't too many events in which Sweden has the drop on America, but this is one of them.瑞典强于美国的比赛项目不多,但这个是其中之一。There are too many difficulties.有太多困难。I had a terrible pain in my guts after eating too many plums.我李子吃得太多了,肚子疼得厉害。Kenny, struggling with too many chairs, moved crabwise towards the door.肯尼在许多椅子中间艰难穿行,像螃蟹一样横着向门口挪去。The city's problem can be summed up in three words: too many people.这座城市的问题简而言之就三个字: 人太多。Lung cancer is just one of the many diseases that arise from smoking too many cigarettes.肺癌只是由吸烟太多引起的许多疾病之一。Don't pay any attention to him – he's had one too many.别理他 — 他喝醉了。Homelessness is a problem that too many people ignore. Yet it's happening on our own doorstep.无家可归的问题为太多人所忽视,然而它就发生在我们身边。She'd been with the same company for too many years and felt she needed a change of scene, so she applied for a job as a stage manager.她在同一家公司已经干了好多年了,觉得需要换个环境,所以申请了一份舞台监督的工作。It's a case of too many people and not enough jobs.问题是人多职位少。The story has too many cardboard characters.这个故事不真实的人物太多。




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