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例句 The song hovered, like a whispered benediction, above the crowd.歌声缭绕在人群上方,如同低声祝福。Davey sat as if hypnotized by the sound of Nick's voice.戴维听到尼克的说话声,就如同被施了催眠术一样呆坐在那里。Supplies of food were so low that this posed a threat as serious as invasion.食物奇缺,这一威胁如同遭到入侵一样严重。He is an artist, just as surely as Rembrandt or any other first-rate portrait painter is one.他无疑是一名画家,就如同伦勃朗或任何其他一流的肖像画家一样。Her achievements in politics imitated her earlier successes in business.她政治上的成就如同她早先经商时的成功业迹。His words fell into the silence like stones.他的话打破了寂静,如同石头落地一般掷地有声。I mean, it's a relationship, the same as a marriage is a relationship.我的意思是它是一种人际关系,就如同婚姻也是一种人际关系一样。The sea was all foamy like ginger beer.海面上的浪花如同姜汁啤酒的泡沫。It was a real race against time to get all the costumes sewn for the play.赶制演出的戏装真是如同与时间赛跑一样。I'm not a fan of parties - in fact I avoid them like the plague.我对聚会不感兴趣——实际上,我害怕聚会如同害怕瘟神。Living with the disease can be a hell on earth.得了这种病如同进了人间地狱。They befriended me when I first arrived in London as a student.我初到伦敦求学时,他们待我如同朋友。Like most cases of extreme weather, its severity was due to an unusual confluence of events.如同大多数极端天气情况一样,其严重程度是由数个异常气象条件汇聚在一起造成的。He loved his stepdaughter as if she were his own child.他爱继女如同己出。The child's voice sank to a whisper as she admitted that she had broken the window.那个女孩承认自己打破窗户玻璃时,声音低得如同耳语。Even the extras were dressed like kings and queens.就连群众演员也穿戴得如同国王和王后。He walks a/the razor edge between humor and bad taste in his comedy.他的喜剧表演就如同走钢丝,很容易从幽默跌落至庸俗。The lines "She walks in beauty, like the night..." from Byron's poem contain a simile.拜伦的诗句“她在美中徜徉,如同…的夜晚”中含有一个明喻。Holidays can be horrendous. All right, I'll rephrase that. The first few days are invariably hell.假期可能会糟糕透顶。好吧,让我换一种说法。最初的几天总是如同炼狱。As the chairman said in his introductory remarks, the growth of the company has been phenomenal.如同主席在他的开场白中所说,公司的发展成绩显著。Every minute during the hijack seemed like a week.被劫持过程中,每一分钟都过得如同一周那么漫长。The sandbank was uncertain, like quicksand under his feet.那个沙坝并不稳固,他脚下如同踩着流沙一般。This argument may seem arcane to those not closely involved in the world of finance.对于那些不谙金融界事务的人而言,这种观点如同天书。Windows shattered with the heat from the blaze and metal doors buckled like cardboard.大火散发的高温使窗玻璃粉碎,金属门也如同硬纸板一样变了形。Whereas an octopus has eight arms, this new, superficially octopus-like creature had ten, like squids. The rest of its external morphology was equally strange.章鱼有八条腕足,而这个看上去像章鱼的新生物却如同乌贼般有十条腕足。它身体其余部分的外部形态同样也很奇怪。The atmosphere borders on the surreal.这种氛围如同梦幻。She is as strict with her children as she is with her pupils.她对自己的孩子如同对学生一样严格。Bumping into an old friend in New York City is like finding a needle in a haystack.在纽约市撞见老朋友如同大海捞针。Firefighters brought the fire under control after it swept through bushland as dry as tinder.大火横扫了干枯得如同火绒一般的灌木丛地带后,消防员们控制住了火势。The shock of the darkness was almost physical.黑暗的冲击几乎如同一种有形的存在。The snowy street, like the church, assumed a lifeless aspect.积雪覆盖的街道如同教堂一样,显得毫无生气。The plants are as dry as tinder after this long drought.植物经过长期干旱之后干枯得如同火绒一般。Nothing about my life excites me at present.我目前的生活如同一潭死水。Brian was whirling like a dervish, slapping at the mosquitoes and moaning.布赖恩如同旋转舞蹈的托钵僧一样转来转去,一边拍打着蚊子一边抱怨不停。He has the physique of a trained athlete.他有着如同训练有素的运动员一般的体格。Her latest film is the staple offering of action and comedy that we have come to expect.她的最新影片,如同我们所预料的一样,又是常规的动作加喜剧。Dick acts like a gentleman.迪克的举止如同绅士。He represented her as a love-goddess.他把她说得如同爱的女神一般。Like great sailing ships, the clouds sped across the sky.一朵朵的云如同巨大的帆船在天空中快速飘过。The actor whirled like a dervish on stage.这位演员在舞台上旋转,如同跳旋转舞蹈的托钵僧一样。




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