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例句 Romances of that kind don't happen in the real world.那种浪漫的事情不会在现实世界中发生。The pile-up happened in thick fog and caused a seven-mile tailback on the motorway.大雾中发生了一起多车相撞事故,使高速公路上排起了一条七英里长的汽车长龙。We came to understand why certain things happened in certain ways.我们逐步理解了为什么有些事情会以特定方式发生。We don't know what will happen in the long term.我们不知道今后长时期内将发生什么事。The attack happened in the early hours of the morning.在凌晨发起了进攻。Nothing ever happens in this town.这镇上从来都不会发生什么特别的事。It's nothing like what happened in the mid-Seventies.这丝毫不像七十年代中期发生的事情。It's not the kind of thing you expect to happen in your own backyard.这并非是你期望发生在你身边的那种事情。What happens in schools must be open to public scrutiny.学校里发生的事情必须受到公众的监督。The attack happened in broad daylight, in one of the busiest parts of town.袭击事件就发生在光天化日之下,还在镇上最繁华的地段之一。Nothing exciting ever happens in this place!这地方从来都不会有叫人激动的事情发生!Laboratory tests are not always a good guide to what happens in the world.实验室里的试验并非总能准确地指引人们认识外部世界的种种现象。Miracles don't happen in real life.现实生活中不会发生奇迹。I had gone over and over what happened in my mind.发生的这一切,我在心里想了又想。This is what happened in several isolated cases.这就是几起个别事件中所发生的情况。If Daniel asks what happened in court we will tell him.如果丹尼尔问起庭审情况,我们会告诉他。That happened in the remote past.那发生在久远的过去。The attack happened in the early hours of Sunday morning.袭击发生于星期日凌晨。This could only happen in the United States – nowhere else in the world!这仅仅可能发生在美国,不会发生在世界上的其他任何地方!The change happens in a series of discrete steps.这一变化在一系列分离的步骤中发生。It was irresponsible of the school to allow this to happen in the first place.首先是学校不负责任,才会让这种事发生。It all happened in a breathing.事情都发生在一刹那间。Walking down the main street, you get the feeling that nothing ever happens in this town.你走在大街上时会有这样的感觉,就是在这个城镇里什么事都没发生过。We've developed a computer model of the economy to predict what will happen in the future.我们开发了一个关于这种经济的计算机模型来预测未来经济的发展。What will happen in the future?未来会发生什么事?A funny thing happened in the office today.今天,办公室里发生了一件有趣的事。Perhaps he had a premonition about what might happen in London.也许他预感到了将会在伦敦发生的事情。It happened in the nineteenth century.这事发生在十九世纪。The city's riots did not happen in a vacuum. 城市的骚乱不是无缘无故发生的。You can never tell what will happen in the future.谁都不敢说将来会发生什么事。It happened in the final episode of 'Star Trek'.这件事发生在《星际迷航》的最后一集里。She described what had happened in a cold and detached manner.她以冷静客观的态度叙述了发生的事情。He happened in his home as I called at his house.我到他家拜访时,他刚好在家。The Industrial Revolution happened in a rather unorganized way.工业革命是自发性地发生的。Such things should not happen in a civilized society.文明社会不应该发生这种事情。I don't think it will happen in our lifetime. 我认为在我们的有生之年这事不会发生。She was so well informed about all things that happened in the town.她对镇上发生的大事小情全都了解得一清二楚。It happens in less than a nanosecond.这发生在不到一毫微秒的时间内。His sudden success is something you never really expect to happen in the real world.他的突然成功在现实世界里你想也别想。Little seems to have happened in the interim.从那时到现在其间似乎没有发生过什么事情。




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