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词汇 happiness
例句 Their expensive home created a false appearance of success and happiness.他们的豪宅营造出一种成功和幸福的假象。It is my dearest hope that one day she will find the happiness she truly deserves.我最大的期望就是她有一天能够找到真正应得的幸福。We cheer them to the sky and our chests burst with happiness when they do well.他们表现出色时,我们满怀喜悦为他们高声欢呼。She had never really known happiness.她从来没有真正地体验到快乐。Money does not always go with happiness.有钱不一定幸福。Somehow this avoids being just another silly pop song with anodyne lyrics about love and happiness.这首歌总算没有沦为又一首愚蠢无聊的什么爱啊、幸福啊之类的流行歌曲。His smile bears witness to his new-found happiness.他的微笑证明他找到了新的幸福。Her eyes sparkled with happiness.她的双眼闪耀著幸福的光芒。Living together before you marry is no guarantee of future happiness.婚前同居不能保证将来的幸福。He oscillated between happiness and despair.他一会儿高兴,一会儿绝望。Sin is preclusive of happiness.罪人无幸福可言。Linda's face was aglow with happiness.琳达脸上洋溢着幸福。We wish them every happiness in their new home.我们祝愿他们在新家一切如意。The happiness and the excitement had been drained completely from her voice.她声音里的那种快乐和兴奋完全消失了。He took her gentle words as an auspice of happiness.他把她温和的话看作是幸福的预兆。His radiant face told us of his happiness.从他容光焕发的脸上,我们看出他很幸福快乐。His face was lighted by happiness.他脸上喜气洋洋。To me a home in the country is a gateway to happiness.对我来说,乡间有个家就是通往幸福之路。It's an enduring/persistent myth that money brings happiness.人们总是迷信金钱能带来幸福。She thinks that young people today are becoming increasingly selfish, and worship at the shrine of individual happiness and gratification.她觉得现在的年轻人变得越来越自私,追寻个人的幸福与满足。Her heart was brimming with happiness.她心中充满了幸福。It is my dearest hope that one day she will find the happiness she deserves.我最盼望的是有一天,她能找到应有的幸福。We were glad to be home, but our happiness was short-lived.我们很高兴回到了家里,但是我们的幸福并不长久。Your happiness lies before you.幸福在等待着你。Juliet's eyes shone with happiness.朱丽叶的双眼闪耀着幸福的光芒。Health is a condition of happiness.健康是幸福的一个条件。When they married, there were no clouds on their happiness.他们结婚时并不存在影响他们幸福的因素。Their happiness turned to ashes. 他们的幸福化为乌有。Jack believed in finding happiness wherever possible.杰克认为应该及时行乐。I had the happiness of seeing you.我曾有幸见到你。She almost wept with happiness.她高兴得几乎要流下泪来。Not everyone judges success by the same standards - some people think happiness is more important than money.每个人衡量成功的标准不尽相同——有些人认为快乐比金钱更重要。They found happiness together.他们一起找到了幸福。Although he would not smile, his eyes betrayed his happiness. 尽管他没笑,但他的眼神流露出了喜悦。We wish you every happiness in your new home.我们祝你在新家的生活幸福美满。The letter gave a promise of greater happiness.那封信预示了更大的快乐。This type of happiness rarely lasts.这种幸福极少有持久的。The possession of large amounts of money does not ensure happiness.拥有大量金钱并不能保证一定会幸福。There is an element of truth in the overused cliché: money can’t buy happiness.这句用滥了的套话有几分真实性:金钱买不到幸福。I've come to the conclusion that there's no such thing as perfect happiness.我已经得出结论,根本没有绝对的幸福这东西。




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