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There's going to be a public meeting, so I think I'll go along and see what's happening.有一个公众集会要召开,所以我想我要过去看看有什么事发生。He was only half aware of what was happening.他对正在发生的事情还没完全弄明白。I thought of leaning down and stealing a kiss before she knew what was happening.我想趁她没明白过来之前俯身偷吻她一口。We try to keep up with what's happening.我们努力跟进事态的发展情况。This cannot be happening, somebody must be playing a joke.这事不可能发生,肯定是有人在开玩笑。The project would give scientists new insights into what is happening to the earth's atmosphere.该项目将使科学家对地球大气层的状况有更新的深入了解。Outside the hotel, a little knot of bystanders had gathered to see what was happening.旅馆外面聚集了一小群人围观所发生的事。Accidents are happening with increasing frequency.事故正在愈加频繁地发生。The chances of that happening are practically/almost nil. 出现那种情况的可能性几乎为零。He is able to fully comprehend what is happening and react appropriately.他能够充分理解当前的形势,并做出恰当的反应。I get so absorbed in doing something that I am unaware of things happening round me.我做事太过专心以致于对周围发生的事情丝毫未察觉。People were standing on tiptoe to try and see what was happening.人们踮起脚尖想看看发生了什么事情。Many of us in the editorial department disagree with the changes that are happening.我们编辑部里大部分人对所进行的变革持反对态度。These days, thanks to the miracle of television, we can watch events happening on the other side of the world.现在,由于电视的出现,我们可以看到世界另一边发生的事情。It's a maneuver to deflect the attention of the people from what is really happening.这是为将公众的注意力从真正发生的事情上转移开而耍的花招。Not much has been happening in the news this week.这周新闻没有多少事情发生。We have taken immediate action to prevent this happening again.我们已经迅速采取了行动防止此事再度发生。I couldn't understand what was supposed to be happening and was bored to death.我不理解当时要发生什么,感到无聊得要命。Stop playing the victim-you knew exactly what was happening.别假扮受害者了 - 你心里知道究竟是怎么回事。There didn't seem much likelihood of it happening.这种事情发生的可能性不大。What are the chances of that happening twice in one month?一个月发生两次这种事的可能性有多大?Before I realised what was happening, the man had grabbed my bag and run off with it.我还没明白是怎么回事,那人已经抢了我的包跑掉了。He remembers things happening in a different order.他能记住发生顺序不同的事情。In four to five years, this will be a happening film festival.四到五年内这个电影节就将成为时髦。I'm just trying to get a grip on what's happening.我就是想了解发生了什么。They themselves had no knowledge of what was happening.他们自己对于正在发生的事一无所知。If one looks at the longer run, a lot of positive things are happening.如果把目光放长远些,就会发现很多积极的事情正在发生。Though heavily sedated, she had a dim awareness of what was happening.尽管用了大量镇静剂,她还迷迷糊糊地感觉到正在发生些什么。The children crowded round to see what was happening.孩子们蜂拥着围上去,想看看发生了什么事。Many officers I spoke to found it hard to believe what was happening around them.很多和我谈过的官员都觉得发生在他们周围的事情令人难以置信。The killing in Pensacola is emblematic of a lot of the violence that is happening around the world.彭萨科拉的杀人事件是世界各地发生的大量暴力事件中具代表性的一起。You should face up to things, not just pretend that nothing's happening.你要敢于面对发生的事情,而不是假装什么事都没发生。He was burning with curiosity to know what was happening.他心急火燎地想知道发生了什么事。I had a mistaken view of what was happening.我对当时发生的事情曾有一种错误的认识。She could barely comprehend what was happening to her.她几乎无法理解发生在她身上的事。They were too doped up to notice what was happening.在毒品的强大作用下,他们根本没有注意到发生了什么事。There's something happening on our street at all hours of the day and night.我们街上任何时候都有事情发生。He was imagining all sorts of terrible things happening.他正在胡乱想象发生了各种可怕的事情。What was happening was a sickness, a cancer in society that could not be helped.所发生的一切是种病态,一种无可救药的社会弊病。Nothing much seemed to be happening.好像没发生什么要紧的事。 |