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词汇 happens
例句 No matter what happens he never seems lost for words.不管发生什么,他好像从来都不会慌乱得说不出话来。Nothing ever happens in this town.这镇上从来都不会发生什么特别的事。We will watch with interest what happens to these two women officers and to the young women who wish to follow in their footsteps.我们将饶有兴趣地观察两位女军官以及想步她们后尘的年轻女子会怎样。The woman you've been looking at happens to be my wife!你一直盯着看的那个女人正是我妻子!I grant you that there have been excesses here and there. But this happens in any popular national struggle.我承认各地出现了一些过激行为,但是这种现象在任何大规模民族斗争中都在所难免。So what happens if the Socialists top the poll but fall short of an absolute majority?那么如果社会党人得票居首却达不到绝对多数会怎么样?What happens next?接下来会发生什么?Gum disease happens when plaque builds up.牙斑堆积会引起牙龈疾病。Its message is that what a man does in this life has a bearing on what happens to him hereafter.它所传达的观点是:一个人今世的所作所为将对他的来世产生影响。I've done as much as I can - now all I can do is wait and see what happens.我已尽力而为了一现在我能做的就是等等看会发生什么。We've run the computer program, but nothing happens.我们已经运行了这个计算机程序,但是没有起作用。Keep watching to see what happens next.注意观察看接下来会发生什么。In the real world no one actually dies of a broken heart, but it happens in operas all the time.在现实世界里不会真有人心碎而死,歌剧中这种事却时有发生。Let's see what happens if we add some oil.我们加点油,看看会怎么样。When you're older I think you're better equipped mentally to cope with whatever happens.你年龄再大一些后,我想你就会有更强的心理承受能力来面对所发生的任何事。Everything that happens to us is stored away in our subconscious.所有发生在我们身上的事情都被保存在我们的潜意识里。We'll have to wait and see what happens.我们只好等等看会发生什么。See to it that this never happens again!注意不要让这事再发生了!As it happens, I've got my things with me here.我恰好把东西都带来了。The head teacher shouldn't be trying to micromanage what happens in the classroom.校长不应该对课堂上发生的事情采取细节管理的方式。What happens if you reverse the direction of the current?如果倒转电流方向会怎样呢 ?She's keeping you on a string, using you as a fall-back in case something happens with her current man.她将你玩弄于股掌之间,一旦现任男人出了问题就拿你当后备。Pessimism is self-fulfilling - expect the worst and it happens.悲观自然会成为现实——预计有最坏的事,最坏的事便会发生。There might be long intervals during/in which nothing happens.中间或许会有一些长时间平静的间隔。What exactly happens when we sneeze?.我们打喷嚏究竟是怎么回事?Some seeds take a long time to germinate, so don't lose hope if nothing happens in the first year.有些种子要过很长时间才会发芽,所以第一年里如果没有动静也不要失去希望。What happens next? I can't take the suspense.接下来怎么样了?我受不了你卖关子。Do you think we should sit on our tails until that happens?你认为我们应该坐等那种事情发生吗? If it happens that I'm wanted badly somewhere, my mother will take the call and phone through to me here.如果凑巧有人着急找我,我母亲会接电话,然后再打电话到这里转告我。I'm not sure about the legalities, but I suggest we go ahead with the plan and see what happens.我不太了解法律要求,但我建议我们先按计划行事,然后再看看会有什么后果。Let me know if anything happens, won't you?发生什么事就告诉我,好吗?As often happens with green troops, retreat quickly turned to rout.正如初上战场的部队常常发生的一样,撤退迅速变成了溃退。So what happens if the Socialists top the poll but fall short of an absolute majority?.那么如果社会党人得票领先却又未达到绝对多数,那会怎么样呢?I will go on loving James through thick and thin no matter what happens.不管发生什么,不管经历多少艰辛,我都会一直爱着詹姆斯。We've just seen a really beautiful house and, as it happens, it's for sale.我们刚看到一幢非常漂亮的房子,凑巧的是,它正待售。He is one of my old friends and is as true as steel whatever happens.他是我的一个老朋友,不管发生什么都是忠实可靠的。You'll have to wait and see what happens.你只能等着看接下去会发生什么事情。Even if the worst happens, you shouldn't give up hope.即使发生最坏的情况,你也不应放弃希望。Let's see what happens.咱们看看出什么事了。Unless anything untoward happens we should arrive just before midday.除非发生意外,否则我们应该是刚好在中午前到达。




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