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词汇 夺走
例句 She and her husband would be dispossessed of the house.她和丈夫的这套房子将被夺走The girls in the family resented all the attention that Peter was getting.家里的女孩儿们憎恨彼得夺走了所有人的注意力。Erickson apparently wrestled the gun from a federal marshal.据说埃里克森从联邦执法官手中夺走了枪。I can't forgive Lewis for robbing me of an Olympic gold.我不能原谅刘易斯夺走了我一块奥运会金牌。The war was killing innocent women and children.战争夺走了许多无辜妇女和儿童的生命。The flood took away thousands of lives.洪水夺走了成千上万人的生命。He ripped the phone from her hand.他从她手里一把夺走电话。The war had wiped out the family savings.战争夺走了这家人的全部积蓄。I've worked hard for what I have and I don't want it taken away by some slimy business partner.我辛辛苦苦才挣到了这一切,我不希望它们被某个卑鄙的生意伙伴夺走The treaties gradually stripped the natives of their land.这些条约一步一步地夺走了当地土人的土地。One of the youths pushed her against the wall and took her bag.其中一个小伙子把她往墙上一推,夺走了她的手提包。Children were taken forcibly from their mothers.孩子们被强行地从他们母亲身边夺走Millions were taken off by the Black Plague.黑死病夺走了数以百万计的人的生命。They robbed the people of their liberty.他们夺走了人民的自由。I snatched it out of his hands.我一把从他手里把它夺走The soldiers have stripped the civilians of their passports, and every other type of document.士兵们已经夺走了平民的护照以及所有其他类型的证件。He ripped the letter from my hands.他把信从我手上夺走了。Put yourself in my place. How would you feel if someone took your job?设身处地为我想想。如果有人夺走了你的工作你会有何感想?Mr Sullivan seemed aghast at the prospect of losing his only daughter to this arrogant young man.沙利文先生对自己唯一的女儿将要被这位傲慢无礼的年轻人夺走,显得万分惊诧。The poison was slowly killing her.毒药正在慢慢地夺走她的生命。The licensee lost its franchise to Carlton TV.执照持有人的特许经营权被卡尔顿电视台夺走了。He was, she said, a heartless scoundrel who had stripped her of everything she owned.她说,他是个狠心的无赖,夺走了属于她的一切。He wrested the letter from my grasp.他从我手中夺走了那封信。The necklace was in danger of being seized as war loot.这条项链在战争中有被强行夺走的危险。They lost everything in the fire. 火灾夺走了他们的一切。She feared losing her inheritance to her stepmother.她担心她继承的遗产会被继母夺走Few people believe the challenger has much chance of taking the title from the reigning champion.没有几个人相信挑战者能从卫冕冠军手中夺走冠军头衔。He lost his best friend to cancer. 癌症夺走了他最好的朋友。A famine started which, together with the war, carried away millions of lives…一场饥荒开始了,再加上战争,夺走了几百万条生命。The cruel soldiers were rending babies from their mothers' arms.残暴的士兵正从母亲们的怀抱中夺走一个个婴儿。The advancement of concrete building techniques stole much of the market from the limestone industry.混凝土建筑技术的发展夺走了石灰工业的大片市场。In prison they'd taken away all his possessions.在监狱里,他们夺走了他所有的财物。I tussled with him for a few minutes and managed to wrench the book from his grasp.我和他激烈争夺了几分钟,终于从他手中夺走了那本书。All I'd cherished from early childhood had been denied me, so I simply gave up the ghost.我自童年起珍惜的一切都被夺走了,我只好放弃。Republicans captured three Senate seats from the Democrats.共和党夺走了民主党的三个参议院席位。The robber tried to free the case from her grasp.强盗试图从她的手中夺走箱子。His wife was dissevered from him by death.死神夺走了他妻子。




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