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词汇 大门
例句 I forgot to close the gate.我忘记关大门了。He opened the gate quietly, trying not to let it scrape on the gravel.他轻轻地打开大门,尽量不让它刮到碎石。The heavy gate swung open.沉重的大门缓缓打开了。The gate would not yield to their blows.他们怎么敲打也打不开那扇大门A convoy of trucks carrying military police was moving past the main gate.载有宪兵的卡车队正从大门驶过。The gate swung open with a creak.大门嘎吱一声开了。My office is just to the left of the main door.我的办公室就在大门的左边。She raced to catch the toddler before he could make it out of the front gate.她赶在蹒跚学步的孩子迈出大门之前拦住了他。As he and Henrietta passed through the gate he kept a tight hold of her arm.他和亨丽埃塔通过大门时,他紧紧抓住她的胳膊。I drove through the gates, which closed smoothly behind me.在我开车驶过,大门在后面稳稳地关上了。Guards stood on either side of the gate.卫兵分站在大门的两侧。The policy has opened the doors to advances in technology.这项政策已为技术发展开了大门The path is signed by the gate.那条路前面有一扇大门His marriage has certainly opened doors for him in Hollywood.他的婚姻无疑已经为他在好莱坞的发展敞开了大门He had the sign fixed to the gate.他让人把招牌安装在大门上。The crowd swept through the gates of the stadium.人群蜂拥通过体育场的大门He initiated her into the study of other cultures.他将她领进了研究其他文化的大门He opened the gate a pinch.他把大门开了一条缝。I made a hasty exit and managed to open the gate.我匆忙离开并设法打开了大门The lock prevents the gate from opening accidentally.这把锁能防止大门意外打开。To unlock the gate you must know the four-digit security code.要打开大门,你必须知道四位数的密码。They were refused entrance to the theater.他们被拒於戏院大门之外。The heavy gate had exerted considerable pressure on the flimsy post.厚重的大门对脆弱的柱子施加了极大的压力。The gates are ornamented with brass studs.大门上饰有铜钉。A blackbird was perching on the gate.一只乌鸫停落在大门上。There were two soldiers guarding the main gate.有两个士兵把守着大门The name on the gate pulled me up short.大门上的名字让我突然停了下来。It was difficult to change gears so we kangarooed along towards the gate.换挡很困难,所以我们一路蹿向大门The hallowed portals of academe were slowly and grudgingly opening to women.大学神圣的大门缓慢又勉强地向女性敞开。The gate needs to be mended so it closes properly.大门需要修理一下,这样才好关。He entered the door and paused before the building directory.他走进大门,在大楼住户一览表前停下。The dog jumped the gate and ran away howling.那条狗跃过大门狂吠着跑开了。The ceasefire has opened the door to talks between the two sides.停火为双方的谈判打开了大门We went through the gate into the orchard.我们从大门进了果园。The main entrance is further over on the left.大门在左手边过去一点。Just make sure you shut the gate after you.进来后务必关上大门The dog urged the sheep toward the gate.那狗把羊群赶向大门I could see through the open door into the room beyond.通过敞开的大门我可以看见远处的房间。He drove his car through the gates at full pelt.他驾车全速通过大门Opposite its gates were the small, railed gardens.每扇大门对面都有一片装了围栏的小花园。




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